
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Zombie Dream (Dream Log #3)

Last night I had another dream that zombies were after me. This is the second one in about 2 weeks. So I had to look it up to see what it meant.

Most interpretations seem to be about me being the zombie, which is not the case. In both dreams, I was being chased by them. The first time I was in a farm house with friends. The second time, I was with family - but the family wasn't my family and we were on the run, Jumping trains and climbing up buildings and hiding in holes in the ground.

But in the ones I can find about being chased by zombies they say it represents a fear that everything I know could be sucked out from me in an instant. Since zombies are technically slow (sorry 28 Days Later), that means it is something that I can easily change.

It could also just be my body using my sleep to rid itself of toxins and worry. These things are represented by the zombies.

Or, I could just think zombies are pretty cool.

In each dream, I have managed not to be bitten. So that's something.

Time to analyze this.

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