
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Days of Music. Day 10: A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

Back when I was a teenager and had my own room and my own bed, I would listen to music to fall asleep. Throw my most easy listening albums in the CD player and dream away. It got to the point where I needed that background noise in order to fall asleep. And when I did meet someone and live with them and share a room/bed with them, it was difficult to get used to not having music playing when I went to bed.

My go-to album for sleep time was Sarah McLachlan's Solace. It's about as easy listening as you can get without actually listening to WLTE Light FM. There are no crazy electric guitars, no pounding drums. Just some light and airy vocals over massively produced arrangements of strings, acoustic guitars, pianos, and brush stroked drum beats.

This is the first track off of that album.

Hmmm...I think I'm asleep already.

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