
Friday, April 9, 2010

"God Only Knows" Starring: Me

There are some songs that just sound like a movie soundtrack. Maybe it's because they've been used in so many movies that you just can't think of them any other way. Or maybe they just call out to be used in an opening sequence or the closing credits.

On my commute to work, I listen to headphones (don't worry, I take the bus). Today, as I was walking through the downtown St. Paul skyway after purchasing my bagel, "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys came on. I bopped along happily, making my way through the door to the building I work in. Then, something changed and I felt like a camera should be following me. I said hello to a co-worker and felt like at that exact monent "Executive Producer" should pop up somewhere in the corner of my little scene. I made my way downstairs, skipping down the steps to the ba-ba-ba-bas of the swirling chorus of Beach Boys. I flipped on the lights and could have swore "Directed By" floated in front of me at hip level. And to make it all perfect, the song ended just as I plopped into my chair and clicked my keyboard to turn on my computer.

So now I have this strange feeling that today is special and something will happen that will make my whole world change. It's very surreal. Like I'm stuck in some quirky indie movie.

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