
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Back!

Lost is back! Lost it back!

Oddly, though, I'm not as excited as I should be. Maybe it's because I'm sick. Maybe all the crap going on at work is bringing me down. But I feel I should be more excited. I'm sure once the episode begins, I'll be pulled right back in.

We left off with Juliette detonating Jughead and a big white flash on the screen. Will she have rebooted time? Will Oceanic Flight 815 have landed safely at LAX with everyone on the flight having no recollection of what happened before? Will it have done nothing but cause "The Incident" that Dr. Cheung speaks of in most of the orientation videos? Will it reboot Jack's brain? I guess we'll find out tonight.

I will try to do my recaps, but they are very time consuming and things are a bit crazy right now.

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