
Sunday, February 7, 2010


I think I'm better! It's a good feeling. I'm having some ear issues, but I don't think I have an infection, so I can deal with it.

More snow in the forecast for another Monday night. That means no yoga at Jen's again. This will be the third week snow has stopped me from making it over there. I miss yoga with Jen.

I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Well, looking forward is a strong way of putting it. Nobody really looks forward to going to work. Unless you're a rock star. Either way, I'm now solely an HR Assistant again officially on Monday and I am not dreading work on Monday. Last week was rough waiting for this change to become real. I'm glad the unknowning is over.

New week means new TV and another new episode of Lost. I'm totally excited. That concern I had about not feeling as excited as I thought I would has gone away. I'm now counting down the days between episodes.

I'm getting the first step in my tooth repair done next week. Root canal. I've never had one, which makes it so that I'm not as nervous as I probably should be. I have no idea what they entail and would rather not know. Ignorance is bliss.

One more week until I (hopefully) make my stage debut. Open mic night at a bar downtown. I need to dive into practicing this week.

Oh, and I saw Chris Koza at 7th Street Friday night. Good show. His opening acts were fantastic. The first band was Flight. I highly suggest you check them out. They are from Madison. They have this dreamy quality to them. Very cool. The other band was Laarks. They were good, too, but I just think I've been hearing a lot of bands that sound like them.

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