If I would have realized what this episode would be about by reading into the title more, I would have been more excited. There was a time when Jin and Sun were two of my favorite characters, but they've just been so wasted in recent seasons. Really, their story is all about reuniting each other which they have been trying to do forever. With only 8 episodes left, we are still waiting for that to happen and I just don't care anymore. It's too bad.
This was a Jin and Sun episode, though everything that happened on The Island didn't really concern them. They were really just vehicles to make these things happen. But we'll get to that in a minute. Let's start with their sideways story.
Off Island
We find Jin and Sun at the airport. Jin is being reprimanded by customs for not declaring the $25,000 in cash he had in his bag. The customs agents let him go, but confiscate the money. This whole process too so long that it caused Jin to miss his meeting with Sun's dad's people. Sun is sure they will understand and that he will just have to contact them in the morning.

They check into a hotel in separate rooms. In the Alternate Universe Timeline, Jin and Sun aren't married. And neither of them speak English. BUT, they are lovers. Secret ones. Sun followed Jin there by telling her dad she wanted to go on a shopping trip. After their hotel room tryst, she tells Jin she wants to run away together. She says she has a secret bank account that they can use. There's a knock on the door. Jin runs to hide and Sun answers it - but not before stopping to check herself in the mirror. All of our
sideways stories have the leads pausing to reflect in a mirror. Interesting that in this story, Sun checks herself, Jin does not.
The person at the door is Keamy. That bastard. He wants his watch and money.
At this commercial break I had flipped channels and thought I had switched back, but I didn't. So I missed a little of the next part.
Keamy and his goons search the room for Jin, and find him. When they realize neither he or Sun speak English, they call for their language expert. It's Mikhail. Mikhail is the guy from The Island who wore the patch over one eye, lived in the farm house with all the surveillance, and threw the grenade at Charlie in the underwater hatch, thus causing his death. I don't like Mikhail.
Jin and Sun explain the airport issue and Sun says if she can just get to the bank, she can get them their money. Mikhail takes Sun to the bank and Keamy takes Jin to the restaurant, which must be Keamy's secret lair. Jin begs him not to tell Sun's dad that they are a couple. That's a weird request to ask of the bad guy.
When Sun gets to the bank, she finds out her account is closed. Her dad closed it and transferred the funds. Why did he do that? Well....
Keamy ties Jin up in the freezer. He tells him that the 25K was supposed to be a payoff for killing Jin. Sun's dad knew all along. "Some people aren't meant to be together", says Keamy. Screw you, Keamy.
We next get the good old Lost fall back, the repeated scene. We hear, from Jin's perspective, Sayid's take out of Keamy and his men. Sayid finds Jin in the freezer and gives him a knife to free himself, then leaves. Sun and Mikael get to the restaurant and find everyone dead. Jin sneaks up on him with a gun. They get into a fight, shots are fired. Jin kills Mikael with a bullet to the eye. I like that in each life, Mikael still loses an eye. But, then, we hear Sun crying. She's been shot in the stomach. She tells Jin she's pregnant. Jin picks her up and carries her out. The end.
The possible killing of Sun and the fetus is very interesting due to what Jin is told on The Island. So let's see what's happening there.
On Island
We open with someone spying on the UnLocke's camp. Sawyer is chatting with Kate. Claire is being her weird dead self and Jin and UnLocke are talking about the names in the cave. UnLocke tells Jin the name Kwon is there, but he doesn't know if that means Jin or Sun. He does know that he needs both of them together to get off The Island and he will find her for him.
UnLocke then swings by Sayid who has become zombie-fied. Sayid mentions to UnLocke that he no longer feels anything, any emotion. UnLocke says that will help him get through what's about to happen. Then UnLocke heads out to run an errand.
Jin starts packing up his stuff. He has a surprising lot of stuff for someone who's whole world, literally, disappeared. Sawyer tells him to stay, but Jin does not want to follow that monster around. But before he can leave, someone starts shooting everyone with tranquilizers. It's Tina Fey and her henchmen! They grab Jin and take him away.

Back on the beach, Miles and The Pilot are playing cards. Ben is questions NotFBIChick on why she thinks Hurley will be able to get Richard to return. Sun is just standing around, as usual. Then she gets all pissy and storms off.
Jack finds her gardening. He tries to tell her about the lighthouse with all of the names (Why hasn't he mentioned this already? Weren't they all having their little Truth or Dare session around the campfire the night before? Why did Jack feel the need to keep this info quiet? Stupid Jack.) Sun doesn't want to hear about how she is "chosen" and her "purpose". She just wants to be left alone, so Jack leaves.
UnLocke shows up. He tells Sun he can bring her to Jin. But she freaks out and runs. Away from the beach. Into the wilderness. What an idiot. UnLocke is chasing her. Why doesn't he just turn into Smokey? That's an amazing power that he just doesn't utilize enough. Sun runs into a tree. Smack. My eyes roll. When did she get so dumb. When she comes to, Ben is there. He tries to get her talk, but she can only speak Korean. Fantastic.
Ben brings her back to the beach. Everyone assumes Ben did this to her. Jack examines her and determines that the bump on her head has temporarily caused her to forget how to speak English, but she can still understand it. Oh. Dear. God. Richard and Hurley return. Richard is all fired up. He wants to get to the other Island so that they can destroy the plane so UnLocke can't leave. Sun starts yelling in Korean about how that plane is their only way home. Does everyone not realize that the plane was crashed? Everyone just stares at her and she runs off in frustration. You would think all those years alive that Richard could have picked up some other languages.
Later that night, Jack and Sun are sitting on the beach. He gives her a notepad. It turns out she can write English still. This is so stupid. What is the point of her not being able to speak English anymore? Is it going to be some sort of beautiful reversal when she sees Jin again and now he can speak English, but she can't? Jack convinces her to join them in their quest.
UnLocke returns to his camp and finds everyone passed out. He revives Sayid (because he can't be put down? because he's dead?), but Sayid doesn't know anything. UnLocke notices Jin is missing.
Once everyone is awake, Claire wanders over to UnLocke and wants to know if her name is on the cave wall. It's not. She's afraid UnLocke will leave her behind because of this, but he promises not to. He tells her Kate's name is not on the wall either, but he needs her to help to gather everyone else. He is short 3 people (Sun, Jack, Hurley?). UnLocke says he needs to get the boat to get over to the other Island to get Jin. He brings Sayid with him. At this point, I just want something to happen soon. So bored.

UnLocke get to the other Island but they've set up the pylon fences, so he can't get anywhere. People start shooting at him. He says to stop, he comes in peace. Then Widmore appears. They reintroduce each other to each other. Widmore says all he's heard of UnLocke are ghost stories. UnLocke says he just wants Jin back. Widmore refuses. UnLocke says, "A wise man once said war is coming to The Island. It just got here." Boo to the yah. He leaves. Widmore freaks out and says this is all happening to soon. They need more time. He demands the package from the sub be brought to the infirmary.
See, this is what I had forgotten about. The locked room in the sub that Sawyer saw. What is this package? Or who is this package? This is what this episode is really about.
UnLocke returns to his camp sans Sayid. He tells Sawyer he had to leave Sayid behind because he doesn't like
secrets. So he's sicking Sayid on them.
Jin wakes strapped to a chair in Room 23. Room 23 is the room that Alex's boyfriend was in. It's the mind control room. Dharma would do subliminal message testing in there, according to Tina Fey, who just came in to ask Jin some questions. Back when Jin worked for Dharma, he had signed off on some electro magnetic
charts. She needs to know more about them. Jin says he wants to talk to Widmore.
Tina brings Jin to Widmore. Widmore says he went digging through the
wrecked plane and found Sun's camera. He shows it to Jin. On it are pictures of Jin's kid, whom he has never seen. It's all very moving. I love Jin. Widmore tells Jin that if UnLocke gets off The Island, everyone that Jin loves will cease to exist. What does that mean? Well, let's take a look.
In the Alternate Universe, Sun gets shot, possibly killing her baby. I think that what Widmore says proves this theory: That the Sideways story is not what happened after jughead went off, but what happens if everyone agrees to go with UnLocke. UnLocke makes a ton of promises, but they are more "careful what you wish for" kind of promises. Sayid is with Nadiya, but not really. She's married to his brother. Kate is not in jail, but she's still on the run. Jin and Sun are together, but they can't be. Everything he loves is being taken away. His love and his baby. Now, what Widmore said sounds way more ominous. He makes it sound like the world will end. And maybe that's the case. We just haven't got there yet in the Sideways story. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Jin asks how do they stop UnLocke. No, Jin, wrong question. You are supposed to ask why. Why will everything cease to exist if UnLocke escapes???? These people ask the wrong questions. Widmore says they have a package on the sub that will help. Jin wants to know what it is. Oh, but it's not a what, Jin. It's a who. Yep, it's a person.
(Quick commercial note: I'm watching season 5 of Weeds right now and the Mexican mayor guy is totally the voice of the Nasonex bee.)
Back from commercial and Sayid is hiding in the water. Widmore's men pull the person, the package, out of the sub. Sayid slyly swims up for a closer look. It's....it's.......

Lost just made me so happy. I don't what his purpose is or how he is supposed to stop UnLocke, but I'm just glad he's back. Now I just hope Penny is okay.
This was a Jin and Sun episode, though everything that happened on The Island didn't really concern them. They were really just vehicles to make these things happen. But we'll get to that in a minute. Let's start with their sideways story.
Off Island
We find Jin and Sun at the airport. Jin is being reprimanded by customs for not declaring the $25,000 in cash he had in his bag. The customs agents let him go, but confiscate the money. This whole process too so long that it caused Jin to miss his meeting with Sun's dad's people. Sun is sure they will understand and that he will just have to contact them in the morning.

They check into a hotel in separate rooms. In the Alternate Universe Timeline, Jin and Sun aren't married. And neither of them speak English. BUT, they are lovers. Secret ones. Sun followed Jin there by telling her dad she wanted to go on a shopping trip. After their hotel room tryst, she tells Jin she wants to run away together. She says she has a secret bank account that they can use. There's a knock on the door. Jin runs to hide and Sun answers it - but not before stopping to check herself in the mirror. All of our

At this commercial break I had flipped channels and thought I had switched back, but I didn't. So I missed a little of the next part.
Keamy and his goons search the room for Jin, and find him. When they realize neither he or Sun speak English, they call for their language expert. It's Mikhail. Mikhail is the guy from The Island who wore the patch over one eye, lived in the farm house with all the surveillance, and threw the grenade at Charlie in the underwater hatch, thus causing his death. I don't like Mikhail.
Jin and Sun explain the airport issue and Sun says if she can just get to the bank, she can get them their money. Mikhail takes Sun to the bank and Keamy takes Jin to the restaurant, which must be Keamy's secret lair. Jin begs him not to tell Sun's dad that they are a couple. That's a weird request to ask of the bad guy.
When Sun gets to the bank, she finds out her account is closed. Her dad closed it and transferred the funds. Why did he do that? Well....
Keamy ties Jin up in the freezer. He tells him that the 25K was supposed to be a payoff for killing Jin. Sun's dad knew all along. "Some people aren't meant to be together", says Keamy. Screw you, Keamy.
We next get the good old Lost fall back, the repeated scene. We hear, from Jin's perspective, Sayid's take out of Keamy and his men. Sayid finds Jin in the freezer and gives him a knife to free himself, then leaves. Sun and Mikael get to the restaurant and find everyone dead. Jin sneaks up on him with a gun. They get into a fight, shots are fired. Jin kills Mikael with a bullet to the eye. I like that in each life, Mikael still loses an eye. But, then, we hear Sun crying. She's been shot in the stomach. She tells Jin she's pregnant. Jin picks her up and carries her out. The end.
The possible killing of Sun and the fetus is very interesting due to what Jin is told on The Island. So let's see what's happening there.
On Island
We open with someone spying on the UnLocke's camp. Sawyer is chatting with Kate. Claire is being her weird dead self and Jin and UnLocke are talking about the names in the cave. UnLocke tells Jin the name Kwon is there, but he doesn't know if that means Jin or Sun. He does know that he needs both of them together to get off The Island and he will find her for him.

Jin starts packing up his stuff. He has a surprising lot of stuff for someone who's whole world, literally, disappeared. Sawyer tells him to stay, but Jin does not want to follow that monster around. But before he can leave, someone starts shooting everyone with tranquilizers. It's Tina Fey and her henchmen! They grab Jin and take him away.

Back on the beach, Miles and The Pilot are playing cards. Ben is questions NotFBIChick on why she thinks Hurley will be able to get Richard to return. Sun is just standing around, as usual. Then she gets all pissy and storms off.
Jack finds her gardening. He tries to tell her about the lighthouse with all of the names (Why hasn't he mentioned this already? Weren't they all having their little Truth or Dare session around the campfire the night before? Why did Jack feel the need to keep this info quiet? Stupid Jack.) Sun doesn't want to hear about how she is "chosen" and her "purpose". She just wants to be left alone, so Jack leaves.
UnLocke shows up. He tells Sun he can bring her to Jin. But she freaks out and runs. Away from the beach. Into the wilderness. What an idiot. UnLocke is chasing her. Why doesn't he just turn into Smokey? That's an amazing power that he just doesn't utilize enough. Sun runs into a tree. Smack. My eyes roll. When did she get so dumb. When she comes to, Ben is there. He tries to get her talk, but she can only speak Korean. Fantastic.
Ben brings her back to the beach. Everyone assumes Ben did this to her. Jack examines her and determines that the bump on her head has temporarily caused her to forget how to speak English, but she can still understand it. Oh. Dear. God. Richard and Hurley return. Richard is all fired up. He wants to get to the other Island so that they can destroy the plane so UnLocke can't leave. Sun starts yelling in Korean about how that plane is their only way home. Does everyone not realize that the plane was crashed? Everyone just stares at her and she runs off in frustration. You would think all those years alive that Richard could have picked up some other languages.
Later that night, Jack and Sun are sitting on the beach. He gives her a notepad. It turns out she can write English still. This is so stupid. What is the point of her not being able to speak English anymore? Is it going to be some sort of beautiful reversal when she sees Jin again and now he can speak English, but she can't? Jack convinces her to join them in their quest.
UnLocke returns to his camp and finds everyone passed out. He revives Sayid (because he can't be put down? because he's dead?), but Sayid doesn't know anything. UnLocke notices Jin is missing.
Once everyone is awake, Claire wanders over to UnLocke and wants to know if her name is on the cave wall. It's not. She's afraid UnLocke will leave her behind because of this, but he promises not to. He tells her Kate's name is not on the wall either, but he needs her to help to gather everyone else. He is short 3 people (Sun, Jack, Hurley?). UnLocke says he needs to get the boat to get over to the other Island to get Jin. He brings Sayid with him. At this point, I just want something to happen soon. So bored.

UnLocke get to the other Island but they've set up the pylon fences, so he can't get anywhere. People start shooting at him. He says to stop, he comes in peace. Then Widmore appears. They reintroduce each other to each other. Widmore says all he's heard of UnLocke are ghost stories. UnLocke says he just wants Jin back. Widmore refuses. UnLocke says, "A wise man once said war is coming to The Island. It just got here." Boo to the yah. He leaves. Widmore freaks out and says this is all happening to soon. They need more time. He demands the package from the sub be brought to the infirmary.
See, this is what I had forgotten about. The locked room in the sub that Sawyer saw. What is this package? Or who is this package? This is what this episode is really about.
UnLocke returns to his camp sans Sayid. He tells Sawyer he had to leave Sayid behind because he doesn't like

Jin wakes strapped to a chair in Room 23. Room 23 is the room that Alex's boyfriend was in. It's the mind control room. Dharma would do subliminal message testing in there, according to Tina Fey, who just came in to ask Jin some questions. Back when Jin worked for Dharma, he had signed off on some electro magnetic

Tina brings Jin to Widmore. Widmore says he went digging through the

In the Alternate Universe, Sun gets shot, possibly killing her baby. I think that what Widmore says proves this theory: That the Sideways story is not what happened after jughead went off, but what happens if everyone agrees to go with UnLocke. UnLocke makes a ton of promises, but they are more "careful what you wish for" kind of promises. Sayid is with Nadiya, but not really. She's married to his brother. Kate is not in jail, but she's still on the run. Jin and Sun are together, but they can't be. Everything he loves is being taken away. His love and his baby. Now, what Widmore said sounds way more ominous. He makes it sound like the world will end. And maybe that's the case. We just haven't got there yet in the Sideways story. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Jin asks how do they stop UnLocke. No, Jin, wrong question. You are supposed to ask why. Why will everything cease to exist if UnLocke escapes???? These people ask the wrong questions. Widmore says they have a package on the sub that will help. Jin wants to know what it is. Oh, but it's not a what, Jin. It's a who. Yep, it's a person.
(Quick commercial note: I'm watching season 5 of Weeds right now and the Mexican mayor guy is totally the voice of the Nasonex bee.)
Back from commercial and Sayid is hiding in the water. Widmore's men pull the person, the package, out of the sub. Sayid slyly swims up for a closer look. It's....it's.......

Lost just made me so happy. I don't what his purpose is or how he is supposed to stop UnLocke, but I'm just glad he's back. Now I just hope Penny is okay.