Sometimes I just can't stand the awesomeness that is Lost. I almost get angry. I do that when things are sometimes too awesome for words. Like when you see a cute puppy and you just want to yell nonsense at it like, "Aacck! You are so cute! I just don't know what to do!" Or like on My So Called Life when Rayanne tells Angela "You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you." It's that kind of thing with Lost. I just love it so much and it's just so good.
This final season is living up to all expectations. The answers are coming left and right. Sometimes you don't even realize there are more answers to be had. For example: The Numbers. You know them. 4 8 15 16 23 42. They have been with us since the beginning of the series. Last week, I assumed we got the answer to their meaning: Jacob assigns numbers to all of his "candidates". Each of these numbers equals one of our Losties. But tonight! Tonight it went even more in depth. The numbers are degrees on a very large compass. Each degree on the compass has a name next to it. Most have also been scratched off (like in the caves), except for our 6 very special Losties. I didn't need any further number explanations after last week's episode, but they gave them to me anyway. So very cool.
Tonight's episode was a Jack episode disguised as a Hurley episode. Which helped. Because the Jack off island story was really quite dull. So dull, I am challenging myself to only dedicating a couple of paragraphs to it. I guess things can only be so full of win. Here we go:
Jack is at his condo getting ready. He looks in the mirror and notices a scar on his abdomen. He looks confused as to how it got there. Could it be from Juliette had to remove it on The Island? He talks to his mom who is freaking out because they still have found his father's body/coffin. He asks about the scar. She says he got his appendix taken out when he was 7. So, nope. Not Juliette. Though, I think his wariness of it gives gas to the theory that the Losties are starting to remember their island lives.
(side note 1: why do Jack's side stories always look they are filmed in the 70's?)
Jack stops by a school and it turns out he has a son in this life. His name is David. He and Jack have a poor relationship. They go home, they argue. It looks like Jack is divorced from the kid's mom. Jack leaves to go be with his mother to try to find his dad's will. His mom is very scary looking. Very scary. Way too much plastic surgery. She offers Jack a drink, even though it seems he is a recovering alcoholic. Thanks, mom. Jack goes
home. His kid isn't there. He goes to his ex-wife's house, kid isn't there either. He listens to the kid's answering machine (because people still have external answering machines) and finds out the kid has a piano recital. Jack didn't know he even played piano. Jack goes to the recital and the kid is really good. Oh, and Dokken (the asian guru temple guy) is there with his kid. Jack and Dokken exchange words. Jack and David make up. The end.
I know that the whole thing was another look into Jack and his daddy issues. My god, I am sick of Jack's daddy issues.
Moving on to the good stuff:
On The Island
Hurley and Miles are playing tic-tac-toe. Hurley gets hungry so goes wondering into The Temple to look for food. Dead Jacob is hanging out by the death pool. He tells Hurley he needs a favor. Someone is coming to The Island and he needs to help them get there.
Jack is hanging outside with Sayid who is wondering why everyone keeps looking at him funny. Gee, Sayid, maybe because you were dead and now you're not? That would make me look at you funny. Sayid has all sorts of questions for Jack. Jack comes clean and tells Sayid that Dokken wants him dead and that the pill would kill him. And that's all that happened there.
We go back to Hurley who is following instructions written on his arm that he got from Jacob. He is wandering through a tunnel covered in hieroglyphics. Dokken shows up and wants to know what he's doing there. Dead Jacob shows up and feeds Hurley his answers. He tells him that he likes to look at all the cool Indiana Jones stuff. With Jacob's prodding, he tells Dokken that he's a candidate and can do what he wants. This shuts Dokken up and he leaves. Jacob tells Hurley that Jack has to come with him on this quest. Hurley tells Jacob it's impossible to get Jack to do anything (snicker). It is, Hurley, it is. As I've said over and over again, the last thing Jack wants is answers. But Jacob says he knows how to get Jack to go.
Jack is sitting on a stump outside with his mouth hanging open literally doing nothing. Hurley tells Jack he has to come with him on this adventure and that Jacob says to tell him "you have what it takes". This gets Jack all riled up for reasons he will never explain. He demands to talk to Jacob. Hurley says Jacob is like Obi Wan and just turns up when he wants. Jack agrees to join Hurley.
They start their trek through the jungle and run into Kate. Joy. She says she has to find Claire. Jack tries to tell her that Claire is different now, according to Dokken. But Kate doesn't care and runs off into the jungle. Stupid Kate. Good riddance.
Hurley and Jack continue on. Hurley is asking Jack about his off island life. Hurley is so sweet. It's just a nice,
normal conversation. They stumble upon an inhaler. It's Shannon's! You remember Shannon, right? Right? Well, it looks like they've made their way back to the caves where they all used to live. And look! It's Adam and Eve! Hurley wonders out loud if maybe, at some point in the future, they end up time travelling back to dinosaur times and that maybe these bones are there's? Crazy thought, Hurley. We've all been wondering that since season 1. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes: the voice of frustrated Lost fans.
(side note 2: Remember in the first few seasons when the writers really paid attention to the time it took to walk across this massive island? Day turned to night. Sometimes they would have to camp mid way. Now it seems they can get anywhere in just a couple of hours. Strange. I find it odd they made it to the caves so soon from leaving the Temple. Have they been that close to the Temple all this time, yet never noticed it?)
Jack and Hurley hang out at the caves for a bit. Jack confesses to Hurley that he found the caves because he was looking for his dead father. He found the coffin, but no dead dad. Hurley asks why Jack came back. Jack says because he was broken and thought The Island could fix him. Jack asks Hurley the same question. Hurley says because Jacob asked him to.
They move on.
So this whole episode I assumed that The Lighthouse that Hurley and Jack are headed to would be another hatch. Because how could there be a lighthouse on The Island that no one has noticed? I know The Island is massive, but they've seen it from all angles at this point, even from above. But, it's an actual lighthouse. A very old one. Amazingly, Jack wonders why they haven't noticed it before either. Hurley give some new age mumbo jumbo answer about how they've never thought to look for it. Whatevs, Hurley.
They climb the many many stairs to the top. Inside is...an unfrozen donkey wheel? There's also a mirror and a chain hanging from the ceiling. Hurley tells Jack that they have to turn the dial to 108 degrees (4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108!). Hurley starts to pull the chain to turn the dial. Jack is watching the dial when he notices there are names scratched out next to the degrees on the dial. He then notices the mirror goes bac
k and forth from just a regular reflection to different scenes. Then he sees the names of his fellow Losties on the dial, including his own (#23!). He tells Hurley to stop. They need to move the dial to 23. Hurley opposes at first, but then moves it there. The mirror changes to a picture of the house Jack grew up in. It's all coming together now for Jack. He realizes that Jacob has been watching them their whole lives and that Jacob purposely brought them here. He starts screaming at Hurley to bring Jacob there, but Hurley tells him he can't (you know, that whole Obi Wan thing). So Jack smashes the mirror! And then he storms out.
At this point my mind is blown. So many answers. So much revelations for us and these characters. I just can't even make my thoughts function anymore.
(sidenote 3: Thanks for the creepy V commercial. Between V, Flash Forward, and this new The Forgotten show, I'm pretty sure these shows will all merge into one with Lost. They all have former Lost characters in them.)
Jack and Hurley are hanging out at the lighthouse. Jack is sitting on a ledge, mouth open, doing nothing again. Jacob shows up to talk to Hurley. Jacob tells Hurley that he's happy Jack broke the mirror and that the people he's expecting will find another way to get here. He says Jack needs to make this road to discovery on his own. He can't be told what to do. He needs Jack to realize how important he is. Hurley's just pissed he's going to get 7 years of bad luck for being there when the mirror broke. Poor Hurley. Hurley wants to go back to The Temple. But Jacob says they can't because someone bad is coming and it's already too late (UnLocke?)
Whoooo. That was a lot. That's only half of the on Island story. Yes, there's more.
We zoom in on Jin's gross leg that is caught in a bear trap. Claire comes up to help him out. She checks to see if the other two guys are really dead. She is really resembling Danielle. Down to the clothes, and hair, and gun, and stance. Very creepy. She apologizes to Jin for getting caught in one of her traps.
She brings him back to her camp. He passes out. When he wakes up, he pokes around a bit and discovers a
baby bassinet with some dead thing that Claire has turned into a doll. She also has tons of explosives everywhere (just like Danielle!) Very creepy. Claire has one of the Temple goons. He was just playing dead. She ties him up and explains to Jin that The Others stole her Baaaayyyybeeeee and she has to get him back. She doesn't seem to realize it's been three years since she's last seen Jin and the rest of the gang. She tells Jin she'll have to clean and stitch up his wound because "the one thing that will kill you around here is an infection." Oh, how true, Claire.
This whole thing has got me thinking. Claire is totally acting like Danielle. Claire is totally "infected" - whatever that means. Danielle was always going on about how her crew was infected. But, maybe, Danielle was the infected one all along and she killed her crew because she was crazy.
They show Jin's leg again. And Again and again and again. It's gross. We get it. Claire goes on again and again and again about how she wants her baaaaaaybbbeeee back. Jin asks why she thinks The Others have her baby. She said her father told her (head tilt from Jin) and her friend. Yes, Claire has made a friend. I wonder who it is...
Claire pulls out an axe and starts demanding that the goon tells her where he baby is. I can't believe she's gonna hack at the guy! She's not really is she! But she is! And then Jin stops her and tells her Kate has her baaaaaybbeeeee. Claire looks stunned. Jin tells her that Aaron is three now and is off The Island. And I just bet Kate is going to walk up right then and there because we all now what perfect timing Kate has. But instead, Claire plunges the axe right into the goons stomach! She kills him anyway! Jin doesn't know what to do. Poor Jin.

It turns out, Claire doesn't believe Jin. She wants to know why he's lying. He decides to play along and says he just didn't want to see anyone get killed. He tells her that The Others have her baby and it's at The Temple and that he can bring her to him. Claire is totally gullible and is all Hooray! Let's go! She also said she's glad Kate isn't raising Aaron because then she'd have to kill her. Really? Do you think that could happen? Where is Kate? Hurry up, Kate.
And then, in walks UnLocke!!! Jin is shocked. "John?", he says. Claire looks at him. Silly, Jin. "That's not Locke. That's her friend!"

The end.
Holy shit.
Great episode.
Things to ponder: Does Claire not see Smokey as Locke? Or, does she know all about Smokey's deal and that he just happens to look like Locke? She seems to think her father is her father, so why does she not think Locke is Locke?
Who are Jacob's next recruits? Will the show end with a whole new set of castaways?
Are we supposed to care about Jack's kid? Because I don't.
This final season is living up to all expectations. The answers are coming left and right. Sometimes you don't even realize there are more answers to be had. For example: The Numbers. You know them. 4 8 15 16 23 42. They have been with us since the beginning of the series. Last week, I assumed we got the answer to their meaning: Jacob assigns numbers to all of his "candidates". Each of these numbers equals one of our Losties. But tonight! Tonight it went even more in depth. The numbers are degrees on a very large compass. Each degree on the compass has a name next to it. Most have also been scratched off (like in the caves), except for our 6 very special Losties. I didn't need any further number explanations after last week's episode, but they gave them to me anyway. So very cool.
Tonight's episode was a Jack episode disguised as a Hurley episode. Which helped. Because the Jack off island story was really quite dull. So dull, I am challenging myself to only dedicating a couple of paragraphs to it. I guess things can only be so full of win. Here we go:
Jack is at his condo getting ready. He looks in the mirror and notices a scar on his abdomen. He looks confused as to how it got there. Could it be from Juliette had to remove it on The Island? He talks to his mom who is freaking out because they still have found his father's body/coffin. He asks about the scar. She says he got his appendix taken out when he was 7. So, nope. Not Juliette. Though, I think his wariness of it gives gas to the theory that the Losties are starting to remember their island lives.
(side note 1: why do Jack's side stories always look they are filmed in the 70's?)

I know that the whole thing was another look into Jack and his daddy issues. My god, I am sick of Jack's daddy issues.
Moving on to the good stuff:
On The Island
Hurley and Miles are playing tic-tac-toe. Hurley gets hungry so goes wondering into The Temple to look for food. Dead Jacob is hanging out by the death pool. He tells Hurley he needs a favor. Someone is coming to The Island and he needs to help them get there.
Jack is hanging outside with Sayid who is wondering why everyone keeps looking at him funny. Gee, Sayid, maybe because you were dead and now you're not? That would make me look at you funny. Sayid has all sorts of questions for Jack. Jack comes clean and tells Sayid that Dokken wants him dead and that the pill would kill him. And that's all that happened there.
We go back to Hurley who is following instructions written on his arm that he got from Jacob. He is wandering through a tunnel covered in hieroglyphics. Dokken shows up and wants to know what he's doing there. Dead Jacob shows up and feeds Hurley his answers. He tells him that he likes to look at all the cool Indiana Jones stuff. With Jacob's prodding, he tells Dokken that he's a candidate and can do what he wants. This shuts Dokken up and he leaves. Jacob tells Hurley that Jack has to come with him on this quest. Hurley tells Jacob it's impossible to get Jack to do anything (snicker). It is, Hurley, it is. As I've said over and over again, the last thing Jack wants is answers. But Jacob says he knows how to get Jack to go.

They start their trek through the jungle and run into Kate. Joy. She says she has to find Claire. Jack tries to tell her that Claire is different now, according to Dokken. But Kate doesn't care and runs off into the jungle. Stupid Kate. Good riddance.
Hurley and Jack continue on. Hurley is asking Jack about his off island life. Hurley is so sweet. It's just a nice,

(side note 2: Remember in the first few seasons when the writers really paid attention to the time it took to walk across this massive island? Day turned to night. Sometimes they would have to camp mid way. Now it seems they can get anywhere in just a couple of hours. Strange. I find it odd they made it to the caves so soon from leaving the Temple. Have they been that close to the Temple all this time, yet never noticed it?)
Jack and Hurley hang out at the caves for a bit. Jack confesses to Hurley that he found the caves because he was looking for his dead father. He found the coffin, but no dead dad. Hurley asks why Jack came back. Jack says because he was broken and thought The Island could fix him. Jack asks Hurley the same question. Hurley says because Jacob asked him to.
They move on.
So this whole episode I assumed that The Lighthouse that Hurley and Jack are headed to would be another hatch. Because how could there be a lighthouse on The Island that no one has noticed? I know The Island is massive, but they've seen it from all angles at this point, even from above. But, it's an actual lighthouse. A very old one. Amazingly, Jack wonders why they haven't noticed it before either. Hurley give some new age mumbo jumbo answer about how they've never thought to look for it. Whatevs, Hurley.
They climb the many many stairs to the top. Inside is...an unfrozen donkey wheel? There's also a mirror and a chain hanging from the ceiling. Hurley tells Jack that they have to turn the dial to 108 degrees (4+8+15+16+23+42 = 108!). Hurley starts to pull the chain to turn the dial. Jack is watching the dial when he notices there are names scratched out next to the degrees on the dial. He then notices the mirror goes bac

At this point my mind is blown. So many answers. So much revelations for us and these characters. I just can't even make my thoughts function anymore.
(sidenote 3: Thanks for the creepy V commercial. Between V, Flash Forward, and this new The Forgotten show, I'm pretty sure these shows will all merge into one with Lost. They all have former Lost characters in them.)
Jack and Hurley are hanging out at the lighthouse. Jack is sitting on a ledge, mouth open, doing nothing again. Jacob shows up to talk to Hurley. Jacob tells Hurley that he's happy Jack broke the mirror and that the people he's expecting will find another way to get here. He says Jack needs to make this road to discovery on his own. He can't be told what to do. He needs Jack to realize how important he is. Hurley's just pissed he's going to get 7 years of bad luck for being there when the mirror broke. Poor Hurley. Hurley wants to go back to The Temple. But Jacob says they can't because someone bad is coming and it's already too late (UnLocke?)
Whoooo. That was a lot. That's only half of the on Island story. Yes, there's more.

She brings him back to her camp. He passes out. When he wakes up, he pokes around a bit and discovers a

This whole thing has got me thinking. Claire is totally acting like Danielle. Claire is totally "infected" - whatever that means. Danielle was always going on about how her crew was infected. But, maybe, Danielle was the infected one all along and she killed her crew because she was crazy.
They show Jin's leg again. And Again and again and again. It's gross. We get it. Claire goes on again and again and again about how she wants her baaaaaaybbbeeee back. Jin asks why she thinks The Others have her baby. She said her father told her (head tilt from Jin) and her friend. Yes, Claire has made a friend. I wonder who it is...
Claire pulls out an axe and starts demanding that the goon tells her where he baby is. I can't believe she's gonna hack at the guy! She's not really is she! But she is! And then Jin stops her and tells her Kate has her baaaaaybbeeeee. Claire looks stunned. Jin tells her that Aaron is three now and is off The Island. And I just bet Kate is going to walk up right then and there because we all now what perfect timing Kate has. But instead, Claire plunges the axe right into the goons stomach! She kills him anyway! Jin doesn't know what to do. Poor Jin.

It turns out, Claire doesn't believe Jin. She wants to know why he's lying. He decides to play along and says he just didn't want to see anyone get killed. He tells her that The Others have her baby and it's at The Temple and that he can bring her to him. Claire is totally gullible and is all Hooray! Let's go! She also said she's glad Kate isn't raising Aaron because then she'd have to kill her. Really? Do you think that could happen? Where is Kate? Hurry up, Kate.
And then, in walks UnLocke!!! Jin is shocked. "John?", he says. Claire looks at him. Silly, Jin. "That's not Locke. That's her friend!"

The end.
Holy shit.
Great episode.
Things to ponder: Does Claire not see Smokey as Locke? Or, does she know all about Smokey's deal and that he just happens to look like Locke? She seems to think her father is her father, so why does she not think Locke is Locke?
Who are Jacob's next recruits? Will the show end with a whole new set of castaways?
Are we supposed to care about Jack's kid? Because I don't.
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