Do I even have to say it? It was a Kate episode so I think my opinion on it was already well established before it even aired. Kate episodes suck. It is proven. They are incredibly dull. She is incredibly frustrating.
What I did like about it was the title. Because it was so true to what aired. What does Kate do? She annoys people and acts like an idiot. And throughout the entire episode, that is exactly what Kate did.
Let's start with her off island story line which showed her irritability factor to be slightly less than her on island story line because she was surrounded by Claire most of the time off island and Claire is the only one who can trump Kate when it comes to being clueless.
We returned to Kate at the airport hijacking the cab with our favorite little pregnant Australian, Claire, in the backseat. After a comedy of errors trying to get away from the airport (including a run in with Arntz and his luggage - god I love seeing these old faces again!), the cab driver ditches the cab at a stop sign and Kate is forced to drive. After a while, even Kate gets sick of Clay-air and kicks her, literally, to the curb. We now see that, yes, Claire is still pregnant in this timeline.
Part of the episode's premise was to show how convincing Kate can be (as she claims during her on island sequence). This is shown by how she convinces a mechanic to cut off her handcuffs and let her change in his bathroom without even a hint of him wanting to call the cops on her.
She takes Claire's luggage and opens it up to find a bag full of baby bottles and toys and clothes and a picture of a pregnant Claire throwing gang signs towards her baby's stomach...or something like that. This makes Kate sad and sorry for tossing her out on the street. I guess the fact that Claire was obviously very very pregnant when she threw her out of the car wasn't enough to bring on the guilt.
So Kate goes back to where she dumped Claire and hey! what do you know! Claire is still standing there looking like an asshole! I have to assume it has been, at the very least, 20 minutes since Kate left her there. At least. It could have been an hour. Yet, there Claire stands. 9 months pregnant. She thought she'd "wait for the bus". Hm. Really? Weren't you just carjacked? Aren't you very pregnant? Didn't you just get off a plane from Australia? Do you know the LA bus system? If you were just involved in a carjacking and were, miraculously, let go and left on the corner of a strange city you've never been to...wouldn't you seek help? Maybe go to a local establishment of sorts and ask to use a phone or have the police called? You're cute, you're blonde, you have a cool accent, and you're 9 months pregnant. Someone would have helped you. But no. You're Claire. You wait for the bus. To go where? Doesn't matter.
Kate asks if Claire needs a ride. Claire hesitates ever so slightly and then gets in the car. Yeah, because that's what I would do. Get in the car with someone who just held a gun to me and then let me go. Claire tells her she needs to go to the adoptive parent's house. It looks like even in this timeline, things are going pretty similar for Claire. No major changes. Kate brings her there and they must have had some serious bonding on the way because Claire wants Kate to join her in meeting the adoptive parents. Oh, did I mention the parents ditched her at the airport? They did. They were supposed to pick her up, but no one showed.
It turns out the dad is leaving the wife so she doesn't want the baby anymore. This upsets Claire so much she goes into labor. Kate, of course, brings her to the hospital. Claire is assigned Dr. Ethan Goodspeed. Yes, this is the same Ethan Rom that finagled his way into the Losties camp in the first season, kidnapped Claire, and stuck her full of needles, then was shot by Charlie. So, in this new timeline, he's just a regular doctor who still gets to
stick Claire with needles. Claire has a scare (rhymes!) with the baby and she blurts out the name Aaron and it looks like she really wants to keep the baby and Kate tells her to and blah blah blah. Oh, and the cops come looking for Kate and Claire says she doesn't know where she is. Then she gives Kate her credit card because what better way to start a good life out for your kid than to willing give some strange woman who held you at gunpoint your credit card so she has some spending cash while she flees from the federal government. Awesome.
Oh, dear god, are we done with that yet? Yes? Good. Moving on.
On Island
Oh, wait. More Kate. Fantastic. But first....
Sayid has risen as is a bit confused and weary, understandably so. He was just dead. The Asian guru dude (who I swear said his name is Dokken, so that is what I'm going to call him) and the hippy dude (who I think is named Lennon - I wonder if that's his given name or if that's like, who he identifies with and stuff, dude) request to speak with Sayid privately. Jack puts up a big stink, but Dokken and Lennon win and they bring Sayid in the back to privately torture him. The cover him in ash, they stick him with needles and shock him and they poke him with a hot iron. They are testing him and they tell him he passed (but he didn't). It seems Sayid has been "infected" or "claimed" as they later tell Jack. By what/whom? We don't know.
Jack, oddly enough, wants nothing but answers this episode. He demands to know what's wrong with Sayid. Dokken tells him it's the same thing that is wrong with Jack's sister, Claire. Sayid died and now something is going to "blacken his heart" if they don't re-kill him. He wants Jack to get Sayid to take a pill to get the job done. But Jack won't do it. Stupid Jack.
Meanwhile, everyone is outside and Sawyer pulls out a gun and says he's leaving and that nobody - look to Kate - should stop him. Dokken begs him to stay - even speaks that foul English - but he leaves. Kate immediately requests to go after him because she - and only she - can convince him to come back. Dokken lets her go with two of his goons (one of who is Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!!!!! That was a surprise!!!) and Jin. As they trek through the jungle, Kate gets antsy about not causing enough problems lately and she attacks the two goons and tells Jin she is escaping with Sawyer and together they will find a way home. I'm sure he'll be thrilled, Kate. Jin calls her a dumbass and turns around to go back to the Temple.
Kate finds Sawyer in his old Dharma house. He's opening a box he had hidden in the floorboards and is crying. It suddenly hits her that he maybe wasn't just using Juliet for a good time and that she's made a huge mistake. She tries to sneak away but is busted.
They go have a talk out on the pier and he tells her that he was going to propose to Juliet. Then the Golden Globes/Emmy music roles in and he starts to cry and I'm making fun, but it was actually quite moving. He tells Kate that Juliet's death was his fault for asking her to stay when she wanted to leave. Then he tosses the engagement ring into the water and walks away and Kate cries and I'm actually quite happy she is crying, but not for the reason you would think. Not because I dislike her and enjoy watching her suffer. But because nobody ever really just cries on this show for some sort of release. All of the shit that happens and no one ever has a good cry. Everyone needs a good cry now and then and it seemed like that's what she was doing.
We then cut to Jin making his way back to the Temple. He gets stopped by Mac and the other goon. Mac pulls a gun on Jin and threatens to kill him. But then a shot rings out. The two men are dead. Jin looks to his life saver. Who is it? It's Claire! A very disheveled Claire. A very Rousseau looking Claire.
What I did like about it was the title. Because it was so true to what aired. What does Kate do? She annoys people and acts like an idiot. And throughout the entire episode, that is exactly what Kate did.
Let's start with her off island story line which showed her irritability factor to be slightly less than her on island story line because she was surrounded by Claire most of the time off island and Claire is the only one who can trump Kate when it comes to being clueless.
We returned to Kate at the airport hijacking the cab with our favorite little pregnant Australian, Claire, in the backseat. After a comedy of errors trying to get away from the airport (including a run in with Arntz and his luggage - god I love seeing these old faces again!), the cab driver ditches the cab at a stop sign and Kate is forced to drive. After a while, even Kate gets sick of Clay-air and kicks her, literally, to the curb. We now see that, yes, Claire is still pregnant in this timeline.
Part of the episode's premise was to show how convincing Kate can be (as she claims during her on island sequence). This is shown by how she convinces a mechanic to cut off her handcuffs and let her change in his bathroom without even a hint of him wanting to call the cops on her.
She takes Claire's luggage and opens it up to find a bag full of baby bottles and toys and clothes and a picture of a pregnant Claire throwing gang signs towards her baby's stomach...or something like that. This makes Kate sad and sorry for tossing her out on the street. I guess the fact that Claire was obviously very very pregnant when she threw her out of the car wasn't enough to bring on the guilt.
So Kate goes back to where she dumped Claire and hey! what do you know! Claire is still standing there looking like an asshole! I have to assume it has been, at the very least, 20 minutes since Kate left her there. At least. It could have been an hour. Yet, there Claire stands. 9 months pregnant. She thought she'd "wait for the bus". Hm. Really? Weren't you just carjacked? Aren't you very pregnant? Didn't you just get off a plane from Australia? Do you know the LA bus system? If you were just involved in a carjacking and were, miraculously, let go and left on the corner of a strange city you've never been to...wouldn't you seek help? Maybe go to a local establishment of sorts and ask to use a phone or have the police called? You're cute, you're blonde, you have a cool accent, and you're 9 months pregnant. Someone would have helped you. But no. You're Claire. You wait for the bus. To go where? Doesn't matter.
Kate asks if Claire needs a ride. Claire hesitates ever so slightly and then gets in the car. Yeah, because that's what I would do. Get in the car with someone who just held a gun to me and then let me go. Claire tells her she needs to go to the adoptive parent's house. It looks like even in this timeline, things are going pretty similar for Claire. No major changes. Kate brings her there and they must have had some serious bonding on the way because Claire wants Kate to join her in meeting the adoptive parents. Oh, did I mention the parents ditched her at the airport? They did. They were supposed to pick her up, but no one showed.
It turns out the dad is leaving the wife so she doesn't want the baby anymore. This upsets Claire so much she goes into labor. Kate, of course, brings her to the hospital. Claire is assigned Dr. Ethan Goodspeed. Yes, this is the same Ethan Rom that finagled his way into the Losties camp in the first season, kidnapped Claire, and stuck her full of needles, then was shot by Charlie. So, in this new timeline, he's just a regular doctor who still gets to

Oh, dear god, are we done with that yet? Yes? Good. Moving on.
On Island
Oh, wait. More Kate. Fantastic. But first....
Sayid has risen as is a bit confused and weary, understandably so. He was just dead. The Asian guru dude (who I swear said his name is Dokken, so that is what I'm going to call him) and the hippy dude (who I think is named Lennon - I wonder if that's his given name or if that's like, who he identifies with and stuff, dude) request to speak with Sayid privately. Jack puts up a big stink, but Dokken and Lennon win and they bring Sayid in the back to privately torture him. The cover him in ash, they stick him with needles and shock him and they poke him with a hot iron. They are testing him and they tell him he passed (but he didn't). It seems Sayid has been "infected" or "claimed" as they later tell Jack. By what/whom? We don't know.
Jack, oddly enough, wants nothing but answers this episode. He demands to know what's wrong with Sayid. Dokken tells him it's the same thing that is wrong with Jack's sister, Claire. Sayid died and now something is going to "blacken his heart" if they don't re-kill him. He wants Jack to get Sayid to take a pill to get the job done. But Jack won't do it. Stupid Jack.
Meanwhile, everyone is outside and Sawyer pulls out a gun and says he's leaving and that nobody - look to Kate - should stop him. Dokken begs him to stay - even speaks that foul English - but he leaves. Kate immediately requests to go after him because she - and only she - can convince him to come back. Dokken lets her go with two of his goons (one of who is Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!!!!! That was a surprise!!!) and Jin. As they trek through the jungle, Kate gets antsy about not causing enough problems lately and she attacks the two goons and tells Jin she is escaping with Sawyer and together they will find a way home. I'm sure he'll be thrilled, Kate. Jin calls her a dumbass and turns around to go back to the Temple.
Kate finds Sawyer in his old Dharma house. He's opening a box he had hidden in the floorboards and is crying. It suddenly hits her that he maybe wasn't just using Juliet for a good time and that she's made a huge mistake. She tries to sneak away but is busted.
They go have a talk out on the pier and he tells her that he was going to propose to Juliet. Then the Golden Globes/Emmy music roles in and he starts to cry and I'm making fun, but it was actually quite moving. He tells Kate that Juliet's death was his fault for asking her to stay when she wanted to leave. Then he tosses the engagement ring into the water and walks away and Kate cries and I'm actually quite happy she is crying, but not for the reason you would think. Not because I dislike her and enjoy watching her suffer. But because nobody ever really just cries on this show for some sort of release. All of the shit that happens and no one ever has a good cry. Everyone needs a good cry now and then and it seemed like that's what she was doing.
We then cut to Jin making his way back to the Temple. He gets stopped by Mac and the other goon. Mac pulls a gun on Jin and threatens to kill him. But then a shot rings out. The two men are dead. Jin looks to his life saver. Who is it? It's Claire! A very disheveled Claire. A very Rousseau looking Claire.

The End
I enjoyed how dirty everyone seemed. It's like the producers finally remembered these people are stuck on an island with no access to showers. I liked Kate getting the heartbreak from Sawyer. Although she's received it a million times before and never once has it sunk in that HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU. Jesus, someone buy her that book.
I understand this was also a big set up episode. The second episode of the season usually is. But it just seems like, with this being the final season and all, that they really don't have time for that.
Next week looks good. More Fake Locke and Richard and Ben and all that craziness. And hopefully more crazy run-ins with Arntz. Gotta love Arntz.
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