The one thing that struck me is we now have some Other Other Other.s. Or Other Other Other Other Others. How many other Islanders have we had at this point? Let's take a look:
1. First there were the child stealing, beard wearing, torch carrying Others. We later found out that these were the same people as:
2. The Official Others. The Ben Linus led group of house dwelling, well read, bathed Others that live in the same place that the Dharma Initiative once inhabited before Ben killed them all off.
3. The Dharma Initiative, though not around in present time, were around last season while Sawyer, Miles, and Juliette all lived in the past.
4. Richard's Others. Richard's Others appear to be natives to the island. Richard is weird in that he never ages. These people (as well as the Ben Linus group) all seem to be devoted to a man named Jacob.
5. The Temple Others. The Temple Others were brought to us last night. I will assume they have been living on the island this whole time. Cindy, the stewardess, was one of them.
So, unofficially, that's 5 groups. Officially, it's more like three. Still, that's 3 groups of people cohabitating on an island that is seemingly deserted. I would assume that the Temple Others, Richard's Others, and the Official Others all play for the same team.
The Plane
The people on the plane (that we were shown) were: Jack, Kate, Rose, Bernard, Hurley, Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Charlie, Sayid, Boone, John Locke, Cindy, Arntz, the Red Shirt wanna be Steve Buscemi guy, and Desmond. Why was Desmond on the plane? He wasn't on the original flight. Was this a sign to show that he is tied to this group no matter what? And what does that say for Juliette?
Noticeably absent: Michael, Walt, Shannon, Anna Lucia, Mr. Eko, Libby, and Claire. (Anna Lucia, Mr. Eko, and Libby could have been on the plane and they just didn't show them because they were in a different section.)
Key plane items: Desmond being there, Charlie saying he was "supposed to die", Boone leaving Shannon in Sydney, Hurley saying he is the luckiest guy in the world, and - according to producers Darlton and Cuse, the significance of the amount of mini bottles of booze Jack had. I guess he had one less than in the original pilot. This is supposed to mean something. I can't even begin to guess.
I'd say the biggest thing about the plane was not actually on the plane, but what was happening below it. Before that oh so cool Lost title showed up, we got a fun shot of Jack looking out the window and the camera zooming down to the ocean below, then into the ocean, then deep beneath the ocean all the way to the bottom where - hey look! - it's the Dharma houses! and they are covered in moss and surrounded by fish and sharks and - O My Goodness! - it's the 4 toed statue! and it's just the foot!

On The Island
We are post Jughead explosion, or is it? Was Juliette ever actually successful in detonating the bomb, or was it as Jin said and that it was really just the island skipping through time again? Or was it both and the bomb going off is what catapulted them back to the present, but not off the island?
Everyone is there who was there before all of that went down. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Hurley, Jin, and Sayid. Even Juliette! She was just trapped beneath the rubble at the bottom of the Swan Hatch hole. But she doesn't stick around for long. Sawyer gets one last goodbye and she is gone (but not before trying to tell him something "really important". Sayid is also worse for the wear. He is still bleeding profusely from his bullet wound.
Hurley is visited by a recently deceased Jacob who tells him he must bring Sayid to the temple to save his life. More on that in a minute.
Off The Island
Sidebar: Haven't even mention the biggest key item this whole episode: The Losties are living some sort of parallel life. According to the deceased Juliette (who spoke through Miles), detonating Jughead worked. But how could it? Yes, they are living "happily" off island with no knowledge of their island life, but they are also still on the island. So what gives? So very confusing.
Anyway, off the island, some of Losties are having their own bad experiences:
Jack: Oceanic lost his dead father. We all know how closely tied to the island Christian Shephard is. Could it be he somehow still managed to find his way out of the plane and onto the island?
Locke: They lost his luggage full of his knives. Okay, not so bad. Maybe that's the point?
Jin and Sun: Jin is being investigated by the TSA for having way more than $10K in cash in his bag.
Kate: Attacked her Federal Agent in the bathroom and is now back on the run. She then held a gun to a cab driver's head to escape and it just so happens that Claire was in the cab! So, was she on the 815 flight? Or is this just a coincidence?
Back on The Island
So much stuff is going on, it's hard to keep track. Let's separate by beach people and inland people.
Beach People
Ben has just stabbed Jacob. "Locke" tells him to go get Richard. But Richard won't go in and shows Ben why: That's not Locke in there because Locke is dead on the beach. Poor Ben just looks so heartbroken and confused. I kind of feel bad for him.
Ben goes back inside and following him in are those "what lies in the shadow of the statue" folks that I really don't give a shit about and luckily don't have to because: "Locke" tells them that Jacob is dead, they start to shoot, "Locke" disappears and returns as The Smoke Monster. Smokey takes control of the room and starts smashing everyone against the walls while Ben cowers in the corner. One of the dudes puts a circle of ash around himself (the same ash that was around Jacob's cabin) and stops Smokey in its tracks. But then Smokey gets wise and knocks a rock over killing the guy and they are all dead. Then he returns to his John Locke shape. At this point Ben looks so miserable that I just want to wrap a blanket around him and coddle him.
They head outside, "John Locke" knocks out Richard, throws him over his shoulder and they head inland.
The Losties are heading to the Temple to save Sayid. Sawyer and Miles stay back to bury Juliette. They get to the Temple and are captured and brought before an asian guru looking dude who refuses to speak english because he doesn't like how it feels on his tongue. He talks through some hippy dude and demands the Losties be killed. Hurley says Jacob sent them and as proof shows them the guitar case Jacob gave him. Inside is a large wooden egyptian symbol with a note inside of all of their names stating the Temple guys need to keep them all alive or bad things happen.
They bring Sayid to this pool that is supposed to be clear but for whatever reason is red. They toss him in and three guys hold him down. He dies. It didn't work. Everyone sits around and then Sawyer and Miles are brought in, captured. Then Sayid comes back to life.
When Hurley tells the Temple dudes that Jacob is dead, they freak out and start shooting off rockets and pouring that ash around the entire temple.
The end.
I think,
I'm sure I forgot tons and this quick recap is still incredibly long. I can't even begin to wrap my head around everything that is happening. Why are they all both on and off The Island? Is the off Island stuff happening in the near future once the on Island stuff clears itself up? Is Sayid now Jacob? Why was Desmond on the plane? What is the significance of the mini liquor bottles? Where did Christian Shephard end up? Why is the off Island Island under water? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON????
Welcome back, Lost.
(Fun fact, the pilot's voice was that of Heroes star Greg Grunberg, who played the pilot who was eaten by Smokey in the first (or second?) epsiode of Season 1)
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