I'm always amazed at the cost of designer handbags. For such little fabric, spending sometimes upwards of $4000 and more just seems incredibly hard to grasp. And I love handbags. Love them. I had a bit of an addiction to them for a while. I never spent more than $65 on bag and even now, that seems crazy. I average about $30-$40 a bag now and I haven't bought one since Christmas '08.
Like most things fashion, you are paying more for the name on the label than the look of the product. You're not spending $4000 because it's a practical, cute purse that will last you many years. You're spending $4000 because it is the latest Hermes' bag and you must have it because it is the latest Hermes' bag.
And I get that. I'm human. I don't agree with it. But I get the want and the coveting. If I had an extra $4000 to spend on something lavish, I might not spend it on a purse, but I might spend on something else that someone else would deem ridiculous.
But this, this is just plain stupid. Below is a picture of the latest Louis Vuitton bag. You know Louis. If you don't, you know his symbol. All those little LVs covering everything from handbags to sweatshirts to socks. Below is his latest handbag design. What does it look like to you?

If you said garbage bag, ding ding ding! You are correct. These garbage bags cost $1,960. Allegedly they are made from leather, which might help to explain the price. But when I look at them, I can't help but think that some designer was truly inspired by Zoolander and is trying to come up with their own Derlict campaign. I mean, have we really run out of fashion ideas that we are going to look to the homeless? I guess in the early 90s we looked to junkies, so is this really any worse?
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