
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I've Got Nothing

Seriously, I’ve had nothing to say for the past week. I have been racking my brain for things to write about and nothing is there. Nothing.

I have topics set aside for times like these, but my desire to write is just not there this week. So why force it (like I’m doing now)?

It is my Friday today, though. I have tomorrow off because I have a show tonight and I’m playing late and really don’t want to have to think about how I need to be at work at 8am while I’m trying to perform at my best.

I am looking forward to my time off tomorrow because I get to spend some of it with my dearest friend, Kimi, who got married on Monday. I wish I could have been there to share in the moment, but work gets in the way. This is life. And sometimes life is pretty stupid.

But sometimes it’s awesome. And her joy and happy newlywed bliss is a nice reminder that really awesome things happen sometimes.

Things just seem kind of different now. It’s a weird feeling. Is there maybe a shift happening in the atmosphere of my life? Fingers crossed (as long as it’s positive).

And so, I leave you with this thing that is just awesome that I stole off the internets:

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