
Monday, October 24, 2011

The Finger

When you really think about giving someone the finger or when someone gives you the finger, doesn’t it seem so silly? I mean, what’s the point? Why is it so offensive? It’s a finger. Look at your middle finger right now. Does it offend you? Of course not. Yet, if someone else aggressively showed you theirs, your blood would boil a little bit.

I bring this up because I’ve come to the realization that I might be a bad driver – or at least an aggressive driver. Someone that angers other drivers on the road. It seems more and more often that I get slightly road raged on. Nothing too horrible. Usually just someone going out of their way to make sure that I see their middle finger. I’ve started to find it so funny. Probably because when they do it, they are holding it out at arms length, eyes squinted, lips pursed (or mouthing swear words), finger shaking back and forth tensely, just trying to push all of their anger into the very tip of their middle finger nail, hoping maybe it will somehow turn into an electric stream that will then penetrate their car and hit me right between the eyes.

But, really, it’s just a finger.

Silly, Johnny.

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