
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Men's Club

I played at Ginkgo's Coffee House again last night. Once again, there were 15 performers signed up. And even though I got there right at 6:30 (when sign up is supposed to begin), I was the last one they let sign in. It's crazy how busy it is there.

What bothers me about this particular open mic night is that it really seems like an Old Men's Club. The hosts are old men. All of their old men friends come down to watch and play. The one host seemed super annoyed that all these people were there wanting to play. I have no problem watching old men sing old folk songs. In fact, I like it. But, at the same time, watching 5 or 6 of them in a row can make you a little sleepy. It's always so refreshing when someone from my generation steps up and brings some life back to the place.

I was called first last night. The nice part about that was that I didn't have time for my neck to break out in hives beforehand, but it did while I was singing. I have got to remedy that situation. The host had said that, once again, time was tight due to the amount of performers, so keep that in mind. I really wanted to get in 3 songs, so I played them all super fast, only to watch everyone who followed me slowly go through their set.

But I have to remember that each time I step on stage, it is a learning experience and will only prove to make me more comfortable and confident the next time.

Last night I played: "Good", "Thursday", and "Old Fashioned Hat" (Anais Mitchell cover).

I really want to get my own show. How does one do that? Maybe I should ask the internet.

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