
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's That Time Again?

The Minnesota State Fair kicks off tomorrow. I swear this year has gone by in a flash. All of these things that are coming around again feel like they just happened last week. I mean, the fair is here! The fair is the unofficial end of summer. I love the fair, but when it ends, it’s September and September is basically fall just like June is supposed to be summer when neither of those statements are true.

September provides Minnesota with some of its best weather. It’s a beautiful time of the year. Yet, by the end of it, the leaves will be changing and the nights will requires sweaters and will begin much earlier than now.

But I shouldn’t dwell on it because if I do, I will curl up in a ball and cry after stuffing myself with Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs because really wants the point? Another winter? Are you kidding? Already? I. Just. Can’t.

So instead, I will look forward to the fair. Once again, I am working tomorrow morning. First day of the fair. It’s the best day. Everything is fresh. The bathrooms are clean. People are happy. It’s supposed to be a beautiful day.

And I’ll be taking the afternoon off of work to enjoy the fair. Cheese on a stick, mashed potatoes, garlic fries, corn on the cob, cheese curds, ice cream, and beer.

Cannot wait.

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