After six years of a program as insane as Lost, it's hard to think of an ending that would be 100% completely satisfactory. And that's just satisfactory to me. It would be impossible for the writers to come up with an ending that would please everyone who watches the show, let alone just little ol' me. And, frankly, the way they are giving out answers right now is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. After 6 years of characters sitting around not externally questioning the most basic of things happening in this crazy place, we now get them asking flat out questions and receiving flat out answers. It just doesn't feel right. I think the answers need to be shown, not spoken. They need to be shown so that discussions can still be had. But, I'm sure a lot of the audience would disagree. So already, there's a problem.
But this isn't about the audience as a whole. It's about ME and MY needs. What do I want to see happen? How do I want it all to end?
Questions I Want Answered1. Let's start at the beginning. Let's start with Adam and Eve.
Who are these two? Are they just a random couple from some point in time? Are they from the Black Rock? Or are they a pair of Losties? Could they be Rose and Bernard? Did they maybe die at some point during the time travel process? Why is one of them holding one black rock and one white? This must have something to do with Jacob and Smokey, right? If so, that's some pretty awesome future foreshadowing from the writers from way back in season 1. Could they be the original Jacob and Smokey? Why do we assume one is an "Eve"?2. What is the Smoke Monster?
Yes. We know the Smoke Monster is black smoke that can take the shape of dead people on The Island and is very judgemental and brutally honest. It may or may not be evil, but most like is evil. But what is it? This show always tries, no matter what weird shit it does, to stay within the realms of reality. Even with the time travel. But to have some smoke flying around The Island that is alive seems pretty unexplainable to me. So how are they going to do it? Are they going to do it? And, if Smokey can't leave The Island, how did he appear as Christian Shephard off Island to Jack? Was that Smokey? The smoke alarm did go off before he appeared. Or will the writers just say it was a drug induced Jack hallucination?3. What is The Island?
The Island itself is an integral character on the show. Everything that happens always comes back to The Island. I am not someone who believes UnLocke when he says The Island is "just an Island". We did learn that Jacob is not protecting The Island, but is just there to keep Smokey bottled up. But still, The Island has managed to create Smokey. It has some crazy magnetism happening. It heals people. People can't have babies on it. Why is it controlled by a Frozen Donkey Wheel that makes it skip through time and magically makes the person who turned it appear in the Tunisian desert? Why?4. The Statue
We know it's been there a long time. We know how it got destroyed. We know Jacob lived there. We know something lies in its shadow. But what does it represent? Who put it there? Who were The Island originators? Adam and Eve?
5. Why are the Losties the chosen ones?
Why did Jacob choose this particular group of people? How come, no matter what universe they are in, their lives will always cross paths? Why are they so special?
6. Speaking of Jacob....
What the hell is he? I refuse to believe he is human. Is he ash? He turned into ash when he died. Was he white smoke to Smokey's black smoke? How does he have powers to give people eternal life? Oooh...just thought of something. Maybe the Christian Shephard that visited Jack off Island was actually Jacob in disguise. He seems to have no problem going on and off Island. Hmmmmm....7. Waaaaaaaaallllllttttttt!!!!!!
I know he grew up and that caused a lot of problems for the writers, but this kid was supposed to be pretty damn special at one point in time only to be completely forgotten about. I don't even think he was listed among the candidates. How come? The show is now 3 years in the future of when it originally started, so I think it would be safe to bring him back. He is allowed to be older now. Let's have some closure there. He can't just be destined to Hot Pocket commercials.
8. Widmore/Ben/Smokey/Jacob
What is the relationship between these 4 people? Who is good? Who is evil? Or are the lines not so black and white?
9. Desmond and Penny....but mostly Desmond
Desmond seems pretty special, too. Why is he seeming all messed up now? Will he and Penny get to live happily ever after? Because that's really all I care about in the end.10. Rose/Bernard/Vincent
Wait. I do care about one more thing. Where are Rose, Bernard, and Vincent? Did they travel through time, too? Are they dead? Are they still living on The Island in their little hut living off Dharma rations? Are they rolling their eyes every time Widmore sends one of his bombs over? And where is my Vincent episode I was promised way back in season 1?
I can't believe those are the only questions I can think of. Does that mean the show has answered most of the others? Or does it mean the show has made things so convoluted that I can't remember anything?
How I Want It To End
In a perfect world....
Well, in a perfect world, this is not the direction the show would have taken. Time travel mucks everything up and it still aggravates me that we are now dealing with the repercussions of time travel and a damn Alternate/Sideways Universe/Timeline. But it is what we are dealing with and I have learned to live with it.
*I want this Alternate Timeline to mean something. It has to matter or this whole final season has been bullshit and the show should have ended with Juliette smashing Jughead with a rock. So that is desire #1.
*I also want Desmond and Penny to live happily ever after. This is the only happily ever after I am demanding from the show. I think if everyone had a happily ever after it would be extremely lame.
*I want Kate to go away. This is the only unhappily ever after that I really really want.
*I want Jack to be the new Jacob because he's the only one that makes sense.
*I do not want John Locke to come back from the dead. Dead is dead, remember writers? You killed him off and turned him into this Thing, so leave it be. That goes for all other dead characters, too. Charlie, Juliette, Faraday, Boone, Shannon, Libby, Ana Lucia, Mr. Eko, NotFBIChick, Arntz. Leave them be.
*Ben has to matter. And the show needs to end with him kicking ass in some way.

I don't think that's too much to ask for. It's a lot less than I thought there would be. But like I said, maybe I just can't think of all of them because there are just too many and my brain can't/won't go there. But I feel like a lot has been explained. For example:
1. The Whispers
Stupid lost souls on The Island. Worst answer ever.
2. Dead folk showing up
Always been Smokey
3. Jacob's purpose
To keep Smokey contained on The Island.
4. The Numbers
Random numbers assigned to each Candidate by Jacob. Ahhhh...but why do the numbers always appear to Hurley? Why did the mental patient repeat them? Why were the put on the hatch? Why did they have to be input every 108 minutes? Why were they listed on the medicine that Desmond took when he was in the hatch? Okay, so they haven't been completely answered.
5. Richard's deal
He was on the Black Rock (which was tossed mid Island during a terrible storm - another answered question) and was "saved" by Smokey, but then took sides with Jacob who gave him eternal life in return.
6. Jack's tattoos
This was a questioned that burned in everyone's mind from the very first episode. How and when did Jack get those tattoos? I mean, it's not like other people don't have tattoos, right? (I'm totally kidding)
These, along with the questions I still want answered, have been the main questions all along. In the end, I'd say with a show as nuts as this one, the writer's have done a pretty damn good job keeping it all together.

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