Oh, dear. I am really really behind. Times have been busy and the time to post, what was sure to be a very long, recap of last week's show was not given to me. Now it's been almost a week and the episode is becoming a hazy memory. I know a lot happened both on and off The Island. We got another answer pointed out to us in the most matter of fact way that it was almost cheesy. We got the Jin and Sun reunion. Yes, our long national nightmare is over. These two crazy kids have found each other again. We got explosions. But let's start off Island.
Off Island
This was not a one character specific episode. The off Island parts focused on uniting all our Losties in the Sideways World. How did it happen?
Sawyer has Kate handcuffed to a chair at the police station. They do their usual flirt until Miles comes along and says there has been a shooting at a local restaurant. They look at surveillance tape and see Sayid exiting the building so...
...they head to Nadiya's house where Sayid is freaking out and packing up a suitcase. He tells Nadiya he will never see her again, but her family will now be safe. Sawyer and Miles show up and Sayid sneaks out the back only to be busted by Sawyer. He cuffs him and takes him away.
Meanwhile, Sun is being brought to the hospital after being shot in the abdomen. As she's being wheeled in, another person is being wheeled in next to her. She freaks out. "It's him! It's him!" It's John Locke. Has the trauma brought back her Island memories?
John is being wheeled into the hospital, of course, because he was run over by Desmond. Ben joined him on the ambulance ride over.
Claire heads to an office building that houses an adoption agency. She runs into Desmond, or

Desmond runs into her. He creepily follows her up to the offices, questioning her the whole way. He convinces her that she should really have a lawyer for the adoption process and that he knows someone who can help her that works in the building. She agrees and he brings her to the lawyer who happens to be NotFBIChick! She's certainly a woman of many trades. She says she's expecting Claire. Whatever for?....
Jack and his son are heading to the very same office building to listen to the reading of his father's will. The lawyer just happens to be...NotFBIChick. She brings Jack into the room where Claire is. Turns out Jack has been trying to track her down since his father left her something in his will. All is explained to Jack that Claire is his sister . This is all a shock. He gets a call from the hospital that he is needed for surgery. He apologizes and heads to the hospital.
Jin/Sun Again
Sun wakes up from surgery. Jin is there. He tells her the baby survived and all is going to be okay.
Jack gets to the hospital and finds out more about his patient. He is a man who was just hit by a car and already suffers from a spinal injury. He is John Locke. Jack is sure he can fix him. He enters the surgery room and looks at John's face. "I think I know this man".
I'm pretty sure that covers all of the off Island encounters. Let's move to the Island.
On Island
Where to begin? Let's see if I remember. Oh, yes.
We left off with Jack, Hurley, Sun, andthe Pilot entering UnLocke's camp. UnLocke says he wants to speak to Jack alone. They talk about a bunch of crap and Jack asks UnLocke if he took the form of his father when Oceanic 815 first crashed. UnLocke answers yes. So there you have it. Unfortunately, there are a whole bunch of inconsistencies with this revelation. One being that dead Christian Shephard appeared to Jack off Island at the hospital. If UnLocke can't leave the Island without a billion circumstances being met, how did he do this? Oh, well. Not all the answers will be perfect (see last week's post regarding the whispers).
Everyone hangs out for a while and then Tina Fey shows up. I really hate this chick. She has a walkie talkie. She tells UnLocke she wants what he stole back (Desmond). Unlocke refuses. She responds by having her goons set off a bomb nearby and tells him that they don't get Desmond back, they will bomb their site.
We then cut back to the camp where UnLocke tells everyone of the plan. Half the team, led by UnLocke will head to Hydra Island. The other half, led by Sawyer, will head to the beach to pick up the sailboat that was left their by Desmond a long time ago. Or something like that. I was never quite sure what the plan was.
UnLocke pulls Sayid aside and asks him to go kill Desmond. Sayid heads off to the well and finds Desmond hanging out at the bottom. He points the gun, but then Desmond starts talking. He questions Sayid's motives in killing an unarmed man. When he finds out what UnLocke has promised him (the return of Nadiya), he asks Sayid what he will tell her when she asks how they were reunited.
They head out with Sawyer and Kate in one group and Jack, Hurley, Sun, and the Pilot with UnLocke. Sawyer tells them to find a way to get away from UnLocke and to meet them at the boat and they will sail to the sub and get off the Island. He tells them to leave Claire behind because she's nuts. Sayid, too.

UnLocke is leading his group when he says he has to go check on something. This gives Jack and his crew the
chance to run, and they do. But Claire sees them and follows.
UnLocke finds Sayid and asks if he killed Desmond. Sayid says yes. But did he really?
Jack and his crew make it to the sailboat. They are just about to embark when Claire show up with a gun. She wants to know why they keep abandoning her. Sawyer wants to leave, but Kate demands that Claire be brought along. So she wins. They head out to sea and everyone goes about their business. Sawyer goes up to Jack, who's looking a little uncertain. Jack tells him that he thinks they are making a mistake and that they are meant to stay on The Island. That if UnLocke really wants them to get off The Island, that should be a sign that they should stay. Sawyer gets pissed because, don't forget, he's been on The Island for over 3 years now. Jack's been able to live a normal life for a while. He tells Jack to get off the boat. So Jack does. He jumps and swims to shore where he runs into UnLocke and an army of Red Shirts.
Sawyer and his Sailors make it to Hydra Island. Tina Fey and her gang greet them with guns.

From behind her out walks Jin. Sun sees him and we get our reunion about a year too late. This just did not have the emotional impact that I thought it would. They hug and are happ
y and blah blah blah and then Tina gets orders to take them all in, as prisoners. I guess Widmore is pissed. Hey, at least most everyone is in the same spot. He orders the bombing to begin.
Back on the main Island, the bombs start going off around UnLocke, his Red Shirts, and Jack. UnLocke pulls Jack to safety and tells him, "You're with me now".

The end.
I can't believe I remembered that much. I'm sure I forgot a ton and for that, I apologize. Life has become very busy. There have been s
o many things I've wanted to post about, I just haven't had the time. I will try to get back on the ball.
Lost is not on this week. Why? I don't know. There are only Four. Episodes. Left. That's it. It's all very sad. I'm not even sure what I want from this show anymore. How do I want it to end? What do I want resolved for these characters? What do I need explained? I think I'll get to that later this week since I won't have an episode to recap.
Enjoy your Lost free week!
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