Hurley episodes are usually filled with fun and answers. This one was just so boring.
All that happened was this:
On The Island
- NotFBIChick blew up. That was awesome. And it was all that was awesome this episode.
- Hurley blew up the Black Rock so that no one could destroy the plane.
- UnLocke threw Desmond down a well. That was so NOT cool, UnLocke. I hate you.
- Jack, Sun, and The Pilot decided to listen to Hurley.
- Miles, Ben, and Richard decided to go to the Hydra Island and find a way to destroy the plane (doesn't anyone realize the plane is already destroyed? IT CRASHED!)
- Hurley decided that his team needed to go talk to UnLocke. So they did. He asked him to leave them alone.
- Sun still hasn't found Jin, even though now she is where he was just the day before. This is getting so old. Reunite them already!
- That freaky kid that stalks UnLocke showed up again.
Oh,and Michael of "WAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLTTTTTT" fame showed up as another one of Hurley's dead friends. He explained to Hurley that the whispers everyone hears all the time are actually souls who done wrong trapped on The Island. So lame. I had stopped caring about the whispers a long time ago. I had assumed the whispers were the Losties travelling through time. But, I guess they are lost souls or whatever. I liked my theory better. And the way they explained it was so lame.
Hurley to Michael: Is it you making those noises?
Michael: Yes
Hurley: Are there others?
Michael: Yes
Hurley: So the whispers are souls trapped on this Island?
Michael: Yes, the whispers are souls trapped on this Island? Cue big neon sign flashing Answers! Answers! Answers!
Off The Island
- Hurley is happy and rich and not crazy and the greatest guy around
- Hurley's mom wants him to have a girlfriend
- Hurley meets Libby while waiting for his blind date (who never shows) and finds out she's crazy after she tells him she swears they know each other from somewhere
- Desmond tracks Hurley down and convinces him to meet up with Libby
- Hurley finds Libby and even though she is in an institution (voluntarily) they go on a date on the beach. After a kiss, Hurley remembers her.
- Desmond tracks down John Locke at the school he works at and then runs him over.
The End
The Hurley Sideways Story was cute, but just left a lot to be desired. It was nice to see him finally get his date with Libby. And it was interesting to have Island Life and Sideways Life merge again. It looks like everyone needs to find their true love for it to all come together for them. After Jack's mention of Juliette tonight, I'm beginning to think she may be his true love and that Sawyer will be stuck with Kate. This will anger a lot of people.
I also think Desmond's running down of Locke off Island could mean 1 of 2 things:
1. Sideways John Locke is really Smokey and Desmond knows it and is trying to take him out.
2. Desmond is connected to his Island self now and knows that John Locke pushes him down a well to die. This obviously angers him and so he takes out Sideways John Locke. I don't think Island Desmond (or Sideways Desmond) know that Island Locke isn't Locke.
There was also one other note of import: When Desmond was at the school watching Locke, Ben approached him to ask what he was doing there. Desmond seemed completely unphased by Ben and had no interest in him whatsoever. Is this just another way to say that Ben has become so unimportant to the Island?
That's it. That might be my shortest recap ever. I know I've said nothing has happened before, but this was truly a big nothing. And so close to the end of the series. There's no time left for nothing anymore.
Some things I hope happen next episode:
1. Desmond needs to live and get out of the well.
2. Sun reunites with Jin. This is just getting ridiculous and her stupid amnesia is the worst plot point this show has ever done. I hope the writers aren't writing some big magical moment for them to reunite in the finale, because that will be very very lame.
3. Sayid needs to go away. He had about 1 minute of screen time last night and I almost couldn't take it.
4. Ben needs to be Ben again. I'm sick of seeing such an amazing character become such a tool.
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