
Friday, August 26, 2011

Thanks For Finding My Ears #1

So I keep starting these reoccurring blog posts and then either only posting a few follow ups, or never posting anything else on the subject again.

Sorry about that.

But I'm going to start another new one again anyway.

Think of Thanks For Finding My Ears as an introduction to bands that I quickly and easily fall in love with upon first listen.

This introductory post will feature 2 bands.

1. Tristen

I saw Tristen open for The Elected over 4th of July weekend. I didn't really pay much attention to her when she was playing, but liked her enough (and the venue was empty enough) that I approached her at her merch table after she played and bought a CD. The album is awesome. Great sing along songs, catchy, good voice, good lyrics, good music.

2. Agnes Obel

I was given Agnes Obel's album by a co-worker who's native country is where Agnes is from (Denmark). She had picked it up on a return trip home and gave it to me thinking it would be something I liked. It took me a few listens to really love it. It is a very quiet, classical-like album full of piano and other stringed instruments, yet still surprisingly catchy. Her debut album, Philharmonics, has since been released in the states.

I suggest that you check out both of these artists.

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