
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sliding Doors

Last night was the first game of the playoffs for the Twins. They were playing the Yankees. They lost. It’s a story as old as time.

Since it was the Yankees and the playoffs, the game lasted ridiculously long. I went to a friend’s house to watch it (since we got rid of our cable and, for whatever reason, first round playoff games aren’t aired on basic television) and I didn’t get home until 11:30. I had one PBR too many and am feeling a little sluggish this morning.

There was a moment after the alarm went off that I thought about going in an hour late. But then I realized that would cause havoc between my husband and I trying to get ready at the same time, so I got out of bed.
And ever since, I’ve been having a bad day.

There is a part of me that wonders if, in some strange time line, there is a version of me that slept that extra hour. Maybe she got up a little more rested, a little less hungover. Her head was clearer, so she was able to find something to wear to work with ease instead of changing outfits 5 times. She remembered to put on make-up to cover the bags under her eyes and the bruise on her cheek, leftover from the wisdom tooth extraction the previous Monday. Her bus was not full when she got on so she was able to get a window seat to herself instead of sitting uncomfortably in one of those aisle facing seats, forced to stare at the person across from her. Maybe that bus had a different driver, not one who explicitly explains every upcoming stop in a loud booming voice, that did not keep her from taking a quick bus nap.

I guess nothing bad has happened since (knock on wood), but I’d really like to go home and back to bed.

But, I’m also glad to be downtown and so close to my dentist right now, because this hole where my wisdom tooth used to be is really bugging me.

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