
Monday, November 28, 2011

Recording Day 5

Quick session last Friday to get any one of my acoustic guitars to not sound like crap. We managed to get it done. We recorded the acoustic guitar for my song "Flavor", which, surprisingly is really the only song this time around where the acoustic is so front and center that it needs to sound really good or it destroys the whole song. And I think we managed to do that. Get it to sound good, that is. Not destroy the whole song. I actually brought over a guitar that had been sitting in the basement for a very long time. Well, I brought over 3 guitars, but that was the one we ended up using.

We also recorded the ukulele parts for the two ukulele songs. One of them is a last minute addition that might not make the album. I am undecided. If it does, I have to swap out another song and I don't know if I want to lose the song I am thinking of swapping out.

Decisions, decisions.

I suppose I don't have to swap out a song. But the album is already going to be 13 songs long and 14 just seems a little over the top. Plus, there is the whole album flow thing. I think I'm going to record them both and make a decision when they are both done and pick the one that fits the best.

The other can be a bonus track, right?

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