Today I had to run out to Watertown, MN to take care of some things for my father. I hadn't been out there since high school - and even in high school I didn't hang out there very often, but I was/am friends with a lot of people from there. It was weird driving those roads for the first time in probably 12 years. The swervy curviness of County 10 and how it is basically unchanged - not counting a few new housing developments and a roundabout where it meets Highway 7. A roundabout! Why did they decide a roundabout was the best option for that intersection?
There's another roundabout (seriously, why?) as you enter Watertown. As I headed down the hill into "downtown" this flood of memories came back. But they weren't really memories - more feelings, sensations, vibes. I can't even tell you if they were good or bad. I just hadn't laid eyes on that part of my youth in so long. It was all very strange.
Life seems to be pointing me in the direction of my past quite often lately. I find myself confronted with a lot of different memories/vibes all the time now. Whether it's people I run into/reconnect with, visits out to the hometown, family I haven't seen in ages, just random things I'm being forced to think about. I seem to be coming back full circle. I'm trying to figure out if that's good or bad.

Me at my high school prom.
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