
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Days of Music. Day 1: Your Favorite Song

I’ve been seeing this 30 Days of Music thing popping up in a lot of places so I thought, hey! I have a blog! I can do this, too! So here I am. Doing it.

Day 1: Your Favorite Song

Already, I’m stumped. I can’t choose my favorite song. It changes so often. If I were to pick my favorite song of the moment, it would be “Terrible Love” by The National. But, in the past, that could have been a number of different tunes. I used to claim “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen as my ultimate favorite. And I do love that song. But I kind of ruined it by calling it my “funeral song”, so I never listen to it anymore because it just depresses me.

I feel like my Favorite Song should go deeper than current hits by my current favorite band. I started thinking of songs that have true meaning to me. I started to think of songs like “You Are My Sunshine” and “Amazing Grace” or “Love Me Tender”. And, so, going with that train of thought, I ended on this:

This song has been around long long long before I was born. It has been a part of my entire life. I love the movie. I love the song. I remember singing it as a little girl with my mother and my sister. The whole movie just brings such wonderfully precious memories to me and this song is a big part of that.

This song is about hope – and right now I need that kind of inspiration, so it’s also fitting for my current mood.

I also love Judy Garland, and I can’t even tell you why. She’s always been someone who I feel this strange connection to, even though she was long dead before I was born. Her story is so sad, yet she brought so much joy to so many people, including me. It’s a strange life to live.

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