Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Thoughts On The Royal Wedding
I have no recollection of Princess Di and Prince Charles’ wedding except for what I’ve seen in clips on the E channel. I wasn’t quite 2 years old at the time. I’m also not someone who is super into the Royal Family (is that supposed to be capitalized?). I saw the movie The Queen. I enjoyed it. I enjoy reading about Prince William and Prince Henry’s drunken antics. But that’s about it. I really can’t tell you much about their history or lineage.
But this wedding has totally sucked me in and I am bummed that I will be unable to watch it. Brit’s Pub in downtown Minneapolis is having a viewing party tomorrow morning. Sounds like a blast. But I will be at work. And that’s fine. I’m sure there is a web stream somewhere.
I think the main reason I want to watch it is to see the live shots of London and think back to my trip. I was looking at pictures of the proposed procession route and I just kept thinking: I’ve been there! And I want to go back!
There’s also something just very cool about the whole thing. All the hoopla. It’s just so steeped in tradition. That’s something that I think all of the Royal Wedding Haters seem to forget. Yes, I’m American and I “shouldn’t care” about a wedding in another country that has nothing to do with me. But, isn’t it interesting from an historical standpoint? These royal wedding productions have been going on for ages. You don’t see a lot of that honoring of the past in the modern world today. You also don’t see a lot of beheadings, and that’s a good thing. But it’s still kind of cool.
And, if I’m being honest, I also really want to see the wedding dress. Kate Middleton is quite the fashonista, yet she has this really cool vibe to her. I’m interested to see if she will go the full blown princess route, or if she’ll stick to her cool, slick demeanor and go for something a little more sleek and modern.
And, lastly, like the World Cup, it’s a lot of fun to watch something and be a part of something that the whole world is watching and connected to. The world is actually a very small place. And tomorrow, a big chunk of it will be watching this happen. I want to be a part of it.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happiness Is?
Saturday, April 23, 2011
An Ear Full

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Summer Project!
I’ve been hesitant to “officially” launch my summer project for the same reason it took me so long to put myself out there as a musician, I’m worried it will stop being a fun thing I do when I have some free time and become this thing that will stress me out and make me not love it anymore.
But, since the musician thing has only become more and more fun with each passing show and practice and musical adventure, I think chances are that this will be, too. (that is a weird sentence)
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been recording various cover songs in the comfort of my own den. It’s good practice for song arrangement and learning what all the buttons mean when recording. But, I’m digging some of the results and I want to put them out there.
Some of these covers have already been shared via my Facebook page, but I plan to stop the sharing, for now, and tweak them and make them sound really good, record some others, and then release them in early fall, online, for free! I’m not sure how cover songs work as far as giving them away. I should probably look into that as I would really hate to get sued. But it’s not like I expect this to be a big seller or anything.
So, yay! “New” album due at the end of summer! See, now I’ve given myself a deadline. Now I have to do it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Lucky Star
I’ve talked about them before. There isn’t really anything special about them. In fact, they are so the opposite of special that you can find some version of them in any store that sells shoes.*
But, I was drawn to them for some reason and when I tried them on, they were so full of comfort that I had to get them.
The other day as I was walking to the bus, I caught my reflection in a window (Okay, I was totally purposely looking. You know you do it, too) and saw how my boots looked when I walked and realized why I like them so much.
They remind me of the boots Madonna wore in the “Lucky Star” video.
Now, as you can plainly see, they are nothing like the boots in the video except that they are both black and about the same height. But, when I walk in them, they feel on my feet how I imagine those boots felt on Madonna.
Sounds strange, right?
But, when I was a little girl and idolized Madonna, I would watch this video and try to copy the dance moves in my living room. Not realizing that it was just my inability to dance, I assumed it was those totally kick ass boots she wore that allowed her to dance that way and if I could just get a pair, I, too, would be able to jump and kick my leg high in the air.
So now, when I walk in these boots, with their light as air cushioned soles, I kind of want to break into the “Lucky Star” dance just to see if my little girl self was right all along. I haven’t tried it yet.
Maybe tonight…
Side note: How cool was Madonna back then? Look at her! She ruled. I so wanted to dress like that, but I was too young.
*You could find them in any store, but now that it’s summer, shoe stores assume you no longer want to buy boots and it is impossible to find a pair. I have been searching for a different pair and boots have just disappeared from the planet for the summer.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Keweenawesomefest 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Let's Go Turf Club!