I miss the sun. It has been raining for what feels like forever. Looking at blog posts from last year at this time (for which there were only two), I see that the weather was just as unfortunate at this time last year.
You step outside and it's muggy, but cold. The gnats are buzzing around in all their gnatty glory. The sky is grey. The possibility of a downpour is constantly looming that you can't even consider a bike ride for fear that you will get caught in the rain somewhere too far from home.
So you sit inside with the air conditioning on because even though it is only 60 degrees outside it is humid and it makes living uncomfortable and the AC makes it tolerable.
You eat beautiful salads as a reminder that it is summer and that fruits and veggies are actually fresh and in season and taste wonderful.

Meanwhile, the TV is tuned to the World Cup and that constant buzz of those horns that the crowd uses is the perfect soundtrack to this weather because that is exactly what it feels like outside.
All I want to do is go sit outside in the sunshine and listen to She & Him: Volume Two which I just purchased and is darlingly sunny that it almost makes me angry. Zooey Deschanel is just too cute for words. I think I've developed a little girl crush on her. As, I'm sure, everyone else has.

But, instead, I will sit here on the computer, my fingers finding it hard to type because they are so cold due to the AC being on when it doesn't need to be.

(Look at how crooked my pinky fingers are. This is why I will never be a guitar god.)
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