
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home Worked

Due to not wanting to freeze in negative temperatures while waiting for a bus that was sure to be at least 20 minutes late, I asked if I could work from home yesterday. I can access everything on my work computer through my home computer via our VPN. But, being that I’m an hourly employee, it’s a little tricky. But, my boss said it was okay. So I stayed home and worked.

Honestly, it has both its positives and negatives. On the plus side, I got to roll out of bed and work in my pajamas. I didn’t have to worry about what I was going to wear or making sure I was dressed warm enough for the bus wait and ride. I was able to openly surf the internet in between getting things done and not feel like a jerk about it. I got to have my stereo blasted and could sing along while posting jobs instead of quietly listening to headphones and occasionally mouthing along to the words. I got to hang out with my dog.

But, on the negative side, you really feel you have to be on your toes, more so than usual. I felt that if I didn’t answer every email immediately, everyone would assume I was slacking off watching daytime soaps or something. All the physical paperwork I needed I couldn’t get to (of course, this would be taken care of if I would have planned ahead to stay home and work). The VPN screen only fills up less than a quarter of my computer screen, so staring at the tiny box can put a lot of strain on the eyes. But, mostly the negative is the stress of assuming that everyone else is assuming that you are just slacking off.

But, I probably got more done yesterday than I do most days of being in the office. It was nice not to have the constant parade of people stopping by or having to have a 20 minute conversation in the kitchen every time I filled up my water bottle.

It was just nice to be home. Cozy and warm.

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