
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Ramblings, Part 1

Happy Christmas Eve! I'm sitting at work in a dead office. I think I'm leaving at noon. I don't think I can physically withstand to stay any longer.
I went to the ER last Friday for chest pains. As a healthy 30 year old, this scared the crap out of me. The doctor said it was inflamed cartilage in my rib cage egged on by my panic attack. How does that happen?
Speaking of panic attacks, I think I'm prone to them. I've gone to urgent care a couple of times because of them. Now it's in my medical records. Remember that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine tries to steal her medical file back to see why she is considered difficult? I want to do the same. It seems every time I go to the doctor now, they just say I had a panic attack. Something caused me to panic in the first place, Doc.
The world seems to stand still during the holidays. All of my TV shows are on hiatus. No concerts are coming to town. Businesses are closed. It doesn't help that Minnesota is in the middle of a "snowpocolypse" or "snowgasm" or "snow-m-g" or whatever you want to call it.
I'm hoping this snow doesn't ruin my Christmas plans. I need to get to the location that holds my presents and mashed potatoes.
In honor of Christmas Eve, I leave you with this video of one of the great songs of all time. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.

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