Okay. So it hasn't been that long. But I feel so removed from the internet world and this blog and just life in general. Being out of work really threw my life for a loop. And now being back working, kind of - temporarily, has made things feel all the more...awkward. It's like, I have a job...but not really. I mean, this was my first week and I asked to take today off because of my show at the Turf Club last night and I wasn't concerned about any repercussions or anything because, hey, I'm just the temp, right? Of course, this job could lead to a permanent position so I guess I should be concerned.
I just don't know what to do.
I do know that I have been exhausted this week. More tired for a really long period of time than I can even remember. I cannot get my head back on right. And these holidays keep coming up and messing up my schedule even more. Next week I'm working Monday, half a day Tuesday, half a day Wednesday, then I'm off again until January 3rd! It's just all so weird.
I've been doing things, though. I went to a lovely holiday party at a friend's house last weekend where I was given this excellent coffee mug - which I am using right now!
And this beautiful, handmade, cowel scarf made by my lovely friend, Deanna. I love this thing. I instantly feel fashionable when I put it on.
I attended a Celebrate Women in Music event at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall and wrote a review of it for Mpls Music website.
I attended the Prairie Fire Lady Choir's final show of the season at Honey and, last minute, decided to join them on stage. I used to be in this choir. I guess I still am. I just never make it to practices. I want to, though. I want to become more involved with them again.
I wrote a few new songs. Well, the lyrics are actually old. Some quite old. But I dug them up and reworked them a bit, put some music to them and, hey! Songs! I'm almost thinking I might go right from finishing up this next album and begin working on a follow up EP for the end of 2012. If the songs are coming out, why not?
I had a playdate with the cutest little puppy. Well, not as cute as my babydog was, but she's pretty adorable. This was my first "job" as a doggy daycare/dog walker. I got paid to hang out with this adorable little thing for 30 minutes. And, I'm not gonna lie. I stayed longer than 30 minutes. She was just too cute to leave.
Would you leave?
Well, I guess that's about it.
Oh, I did play at the Turf Club last night.
I always love playing at the Turf. This was my 3rd time playing there and, I think, one of my best performances. I don't think I've ever felt more confident on stage. Shawn was back playing with me and that helps so much. It's so nice to have someone else up there with you. Unfortunately, I had one too many songs on my set and when I announced "this is my last song, thanks for listening", the sound guy told me I was out of time. Awkward. Of course, that is now all I'm focusing on from the gig. Oh, well.

Setlist for the Turf Club 12/15/11
-The Party
-The Paul Simon Song
-Can't Even Tell
(once again "Adore" got cut off. Next time....)
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