Downtown St. Paul, as a city, is…different. It’s special. You could say it’s a bit “touched”. There is really nothing here. There is so much nothing here that meters are free after 4pm every day.
Most of the bars in the area serve only to be a place for people to drink at before and after Minnesota Wild games. There is one other rock venue in the area, Wild Tymes, and I’ve played there before. But, even with their fantastic sound system, they are still catering to the sports crowd instead of the music crowd. If St. Paul wanted to establish itself as “real” city, it needed a “real” music venue. And it now has one.
And I got to play there last night!

Photo by Matthew Becker
It was my first solo show since June and my first solo show at a bar since I don’t remember when, so nerves were in full force. And, thanks to the Wild game that got out just before I went on, the place was pretty full. Personally, I know I struggled a bit at first, but once I got going, I think I did alright.
I’m also having a real issue with my guitar and tuning. I throw the capo on and I have to completely retune. Not just a little fix, like it’s off by whole notes. It makes for a lot of between song tuning and I hate tuning. Really wish I could get a super nice guitar. I’ve taken to setting up my setlists so I have to tune as little as possible.
The other bands joining me were Pocahontas County (local bluegrass band), Skye Carrasco (violin playing singer), and American Dust. I did not catch American Dust’s set as I did have to work this morning and it was very late.
Setlist for the Amsterdam Bar and Hall 10/27/11 -Johnny B. Goode (Chuck Berry cover) -The Paul Simon Song
Photo by Matthew Becker
This was also my last show for a while. Not by choice. I'm trying to get some more on the calendar. ....In other news.... Tomorrow is Cannonball!!! What is Cannonball? It is a road trip/scavenger hunt a friend of mine puts on. Groups of 4 get in their cars and drive to different destinations throughout the day to complete assigned missions with the last place being a lodge of some sort where we all present our days via a video presentation and! Good times.