The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is a show about zombies. Well, it’s more than that. I guess it’s more of a look at what we, as humans, would do in a zombie world. How would we react to each other? How would our morals change?
Either way, it’s really cool. It’s about zombies. Let’s face it.
It’s super gory and intense. The characters are a little one note and the dialogue can be a little forced. In a way, it reminds me a lot of Prison Break, if Prison Break had zombies, which I think is why I like it so much. Although, Prison Break was filled with horrible dialogue, stiff acting, and gaping plot holes. Right now, The Walking Dead just has the dialogue to deal with. The acting has been pretty good and no plot holes that I can see. But, we’re only 3 episodes in. I hope it can keep up the fast pace it has set up for itself without becoming too out of control. The third episode was definitely a set up episode and the zombies were kept to a minimum, which was fine. It needed that. And next week looks to be action packed.
Sherlock is a little more high brow than The Walking Dead. Okay, way more high brow. It’s a part of BBC Masterpiece Mystery and has been airing on TPT/PBS. It’s a modern day take on Sherlock Holmes. The acting is superb. The dialogue is witty and smart. The characters are engaging. The stories are intriguing. It’s so very well done.
The only problem is that it only had 3 episodes in its first season. They were 90 minutes long each, but still only 3. That’s the way they do things on the BBC. The next season isn’t planned to hit the states until next fall. It’s going to be a long wait.
If you haven’t seen it, the episodes are streaming on Masterpiece Mystery’s website until December 7th.
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