It’s always fun when the actual date lines up to become something else. Well, maybe fun is a little strong of a word. Either way, today is 9.02.10. Beverly Hills, 90210 (the original) was, is, and always will be one of my favorite shows. I loved it when it first aired and I love it still. A couple of years ago, back when I still had a cable, I caught the first episode on SoapNet and
ended up watching the entire series over the course of a summer. It was wonderful. Every season is great. Oddly, I found myself enjoying the post-college years the most. Kelly was so fun to hate then. It’s hard to hate her as a teen. You can almost feel bad for her. Her mom is an ex-junkie, her dad is non-existent, everyone in school thinks she’s a slut. It’s tough. But as an adult she becomes so self-righteous with no reason to be. She’s the one who sleeps with her friend’s boyfriend, she’s the one who cheats on her boyfriend with the same guy, she’s the one who starts using meth. Ugh. I hate Kelly.
I also liked Valerie, Brenda’s replacement. I thought she had a lot more depth. And, she was truly evil and she owned it.
David Silver grew on me over the years, too. He started out as such a little doofus and ended up becoming the only normal person on the show. He just kind of floated along in the background living his little DJ life, having some girlfriends, pining over Donna, trying to be the next Babyface. Out of all of them, he’s probably the only one who had any real reason to whine, but he never did. His dad was a cheater, his mom was crazy, and he watched his best friend accidentally kill himself. That’s a lot to deal with, but he rarely complained. Sure, he got mixed up in drugs, but he got over it.
But, the all time greatest character on 90210 is Steve Sanders.

I also liked Valerie, Brenda’s replacement. I thought she had a lot more depth. And, she was truly evil and she owned it.
David Silver grew on me over the years, too. He started out as such a little doofus and ended up becoming the only normal person on the show. He just kind of floated along in the background living his little DJ life, having some girlfriends, pining over Donna, trying to be the next Babyface. Out of all of them, he’s probably the only one who had any real reason to whine, but he never did. His dad was a cheater, his mom was crazy, and he watched his best friend accidentally kill himself. That’s a lot to deal with, but he rarely complained. Sure, he got mixed up in drugs, but he got over it.
But, the all time greatest character on 90210 is Steve Sanders.

My goodness that is a fabulous haircut.
What was his purpose? He did nothing the entire series. Sure, he stole the key to the school. But that’s really the only thing I remember him doing. Yet, he is memorable. He was always there, ready to make a wisecrack.
So, happy 90210 Day, Sanders!
So, happy 90210 Day, Sanders!
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