July is finally here! I have so much to look forward to this month. June seemed to take forever to end and June is not normally a month that I want to end. The first officially month of summer. It should last forever. But this June did not feel like summer. The weather sucked. Cold, rainy, cloudy, windy. I think we had 2 completely nice days the whole month.
But now it's July. It is 4th of July weekend, which means no work on Monday! Three day weekend!
I'm kicking it off with a gig tonight at The Coffee Grounds. I'll be playing with my friends, Stella For Star. I consider this the start of my "tour" in July. I have 4 shows booked this month. I think that's pretty cool.
I'm also going on vacation in a couple of weeks. My first full week of vacation since 2008. It's really needed. We'll be making the usual trek up to Upper Michigan. It's so wonderful up there. I can't wait.

(My view every night in the UP)
Upon my return from vacation, I'll begin recording my album! I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It seems very surreal. I'm just going in completely blind. I have no idea what to expect once I start working in a "real" studio. It's all happening very fast, which for me, is the way to do it. If I waited around and gave it too much thought, I'd never follow through with it.
So much going on. It's going to be a crazy month.
Hooray summer!
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