It was a lovely evening filled with humor and insight. As a musician, it was especially interesting to hear Amanda and Dessa talk about how they do it and get through the obstacles of this business, as well as just life.
Performing "In My Mind"
Performing "Runs in the Family"
At one point in the evening, she asked for the lights to be completely turned off and for everyone to close their eyes and did an incredibly moving version of her tear your heart out song "The Bed Song" - to which someone yelled out afterwards "EVERYONE IS SOBBING NOW!"
Speaking of yelling, that woman was fine, but someone actually had to be kicked out. Not sure what was wrong with her (drunk, high, not right in the head), but a woman was having a conversation with herself loudly throughout the interview portion of the show. Once it was called out by someone and Amanda and Dessa had to address it, the woman got up and left. But came back towards the end of the evening and stood in the back and started to talk again until she was physically removed from the venue. So weird.
Amanda, Dessa and Kevin Kling.
She's such an amazing performer and gives off so much warmth. I enjoyed just listening to her talk about whatever she wanted to talk about. She's a good storyteller.
In other news, today is Robbie's First Day Anniversary. It was 2 years ago today that he came into our lives. I'm so lucky to have him. He's such a good boy (even though last night when we got home from the show, we discovered he managed to get into his food cupboard and had taken his bag of food back to the bedroom - but, unfortunately for him - he couldn't get the bag open). Tonight, Matt and I will take him on a walk to celebrate and I will give him lots of extra cuddles.
I took this picture this morning, He did NOT want his picture taken. So many outtakes.