Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Social Network

Friday, January 21, 2011
The Cold and Little House on the Prairie
I started up my Little House on the Prairie season 1 DVDs last week and they have been quite enjoyable. That show is my childhood. I’ve seen every episode countless times and can usually tell which episode it is within the first 30 seconds of the first scene. It’s great to watch it without commercials. It’s odd how when you watch it on TV, as I have been for over 25 years, that it is the same commercials every time. Bankruptcy lawyers, medication for the elderly, electric tomato slicers, any number of “as seen on TV” products. Now I can watch it commercial free. And it still takes about 50 minutes to watch. Shows were so long back in the day.
Winter season is fast approaching on Little House. Knowing the show was filmed in California and that Michael Landon probably never stepped foot in Minnesota in the middle of January, it’s sometimes laughable how flippantly they treat the weather. But it does make me think about the real Ingalls and how the hell they survived living here on a day like today. A little log cabin with only a fire place and a thin comforter to keep them warm. Riding in wagons with the bitter wind whipping in their faces. Women forced to wear dresses while the freezing wind and snow blows up their skirts. How did they do it? I can’t handle getting a warm car ride into work and having to stand outside waiting to cross the street from where I was dropped off to get inside the heated building I work in.
I can barely handle being inside. I’m still shivering.
They should really turn up the heat in here.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Totally Lame
Sunday, January 16, 2011
331 Club
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I'm Going to London!!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011

The most basic premise of Inception goes like this:
Leonardo DiCaprio plays a guy who has perfected controlling people’s dreams. He has a group of cohorts, each with a specialty that help him to achieve various projects he’s hired for. His group is hired by a businessman to go into a rival’s dream and plant a thought that will help him beat the rival’s company. It’s a tricky maneuver to implant an idea into someone’s brain so they have a very complicated process. And this is where all the action takes place in the film. There is a side story about Leonardo’s wife that is integral to the storyline and that I won’t get into here as I do not want to spoil it.
My plot description is seriously lacking. It’s a complicated movie that is nothing without the visual. It really captures dreams well. I was completely engrossed throughout the whole two hours. The performances were great. The action was intense. The story was well thought out. I find I’m pretty good at catching plotholes, especially in movies where time and reality are at stake and there were none I could find here. Of course, now I will go read about it online and people will point out a whole bunch of them, I’m sure.
5 stars.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Yes and Yes
One of my favorite blogs is Yes and Yes. It’s filled with positivity (just look at the title) and great To Do lists and little quips of joy and inspiration that make you want to go out and take on the world – in a positive way.
The writer of the blog puts out a Year in Yes calendar. I ordered one this year and it is so much fun. It has random holidays you didn’t know existed, days ear marked with cool things to do or try (Cultivate a new laugh on January 25th or Learn the names of clouds on May 14th, for example). Each month also has a specific list about yourself to write out. And a place at the bottom to keep note of the things that happened that month that you loved.
The list for this month is: New Things I’ll Try This Year.
Here’s my list (so far):
- Retry Indian food. Every time I’ve had it in the past, I’ve hated it. But as a vegetarian, it is always suggested to me. My taste palette has changed a lot, so maybe I’d like it now. I used to hate sushi and can’t get enough of it now, so who knows? But I’m willing to give it a shot. Just, nothing spicy.
- Touring. Okay, so this one completely relies on if finances and vacations are plentiful and if I think my album is doing well enough in certain areas to actually venture out. I’ll figure this out once I get my final report back from the radio promotion company I’m using.
- Learning The Banjo – WELL. I have a banjo. I got it for my birthday last year. It is a much more difficult instrument to play than I thought it would be. I thought since I play guitar and the ukulele that picking up the banjo would be a cinch. Not so. So I really want to concentrate on learning how to play it.
- Learning To Play Piano – WELL. I can play the piano. I know the chords, I can hit the chords. I just do it more slowly than I would like to and I still have trouble with one hand doing one thing and the other doing something completely different. So I want to work on this.
- Sending Out Holiday Cards. I want to send out holiday cards. And I don’t mean wishy washy Christmas cards or a picture of Matt and me or a yearly update letter, but I want to make something and send it out at the end of the year to friends and family. I really want to focus on being as creative as possible this year.
- Become An Expert At Cooking At Least One Dish. Right now the only dish I know how to make is Broccoli and Cheese Casserole. It serves me well at holiday get togethers, but I need to learn how to make something a little lighter and versatile. Something I can whip up at home for dinner or bring to dinner parties.
- Learn To Sew. I don’t want to make scarves or blankets, but I do want to learn how to sew a button back onto a sweater if I need to.
The one thing that just came to me this morning and I thought would be super fun to try to do is start a “Mix Tape Trade Off”, but with CDs, of course. I love getting CD mixes. I love making CD mixes. Wouldn’t it be fun if once every couple of months you got several mix CDs full of new songs from your friends in the mail? 1. Getting presents in the mail is awesome. 2. Getting new music is awesome. How could this not be fun? But I’m really bad at organizing things like these, so we’ll see if that happens.
One new thing you should try this year is reading Yes and Yes. It really is a great blog with cool features. And the Year in Yes calendar is currently on sale.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Get Out Your Tinfoil
I am officially disturbed by all the dead birds and dead fish turning up. I am incredibly gullible and I love conspiracies and myths and all that nonsense. Doesn’t it seem strange that birds started falling from the sky after the New Year when we are just one year away from 2012, the supposed end of times? How freaky is that! Should I start stock piling and digging my underground bunker?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Here We Go
It is the new year. 2011 is here. It is January. It is cold and dark. But not as dark as December. The sun stays out until close to 5:00 now. So that’s nice. It’s still pitch black when I get up in the morning, though. I’m back at work and I would much rather be at home, so nothing has really changed there. And I like my job, so I don’t know how people who hate their jobs get up in the morning.
I’m looking ahead to the following months and I have a lot I want to accomplish. I need to dive in and get myself out there. And if that means late nights at local music venues networking and getting myself known, then so be it. And if that means going out alone on those nights and drinking only water, so be it. I need to do this.
I can and I will.
2011 is going to be awesome.
Sunday, January 2, 2011